How luck can change...

Normally, my mini account had pretty bad 5 star luck. It forced me to upgrade 4 stars to max to clear act 5, and prevented me from doing act 6. However, that has changed lately. My mini account was stacking up the meme tier 5 stars. BPCW dupes? Yep. Superior iron man duped? Yep. Nova? Loki? Agent venom? Yep yep and yep. Black panther og because one black panther isn’t enough? Yes. Vulture? Howard the Duck? Cyclops? Daredevil Netflix? Mordo? Yes! However, lately the luck has started to turn around. I got sym supreme from a dual class basic. Then, I got void and used the awakening gem I got back in June. Using hoarded resources, I took both of them to rank 4. Next, I got storm pyramid x, filling a need for a Coldsnap immune champ. Then, anniversary crystals arrived and I pulled 5 star iceman from the grandmaster sorcsup crystal. And today, I got the biggest surprise. With the featured item store, I bought about 1000 6 star shards to form my second 6 star. Here’s what I got.

What a pull!
It's a whole lot better than the 6* The Champion I pulled yesterday!