Is he still op? Doesn't he take a load of damage from recoil if he does have suicides? SO why is everyone saying he's not extremely good without suicides.
I don't think I've seen anyone suggest he is not still excellent without suicides. Granted, they up his damage a ton, but I personally haven't run suicides in ages and still find Corvus an excellent solution to many problems in regular and monthly questing and AW/AQ.
The reason that Corvus doesn't often suffer with recoil damage is because by the time you use your SP2 the enemy is KO. If the enemy KOs during a special, you take no recoil.
Recoil doesn't really matter when you're healing at the start of the fight from the bleed, and getting an insane damage boost. Claire and omega also take recoil damage, but I don't think anybody in their right sense of mind would say they don't run suicides well.
You can’t really use him efficiently in endgame questing content without them In my opinion, but for most of the content he really shines in anyway (AQ, AW, Monthly EQ) I don’t think he needs them. Although I would still highly recommend them.
The entire playstyle with Corvus is finishing the fight off within the 20 Glaive charges, and you're working to maximise their use - so stick to MLM combos so you're not wasting charges on those 2nd & 3rd light attacks. The Recoil usually isn't an issue because, as mentioned above, you heal at the start of each fight from the Double Edge Bleed, and his L2 would usually finish off the fight anyway so no Recoil.
but keep in mind i've been running suicides for over a year, so for me the difference in damage was drastic.
In fact, that’s insulting to babies.
The problem is when you just disabled suicides, you will notice A LOT of reduced damage. That doesn't mean he is bad.