5* Mystic Awakening Gem - Who to awaken?

JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
edited August 2020 in Strategy and Tips
If you feel I should save it for another champ, please help with your inputs on whom any why do you think so. That will be of great help! Thanks for your inputs.

5* Mystic Awakening Gem - Who to awaken? 11 votes

Doctor Doom - 4/55
RoOOtsReferencespaceoctopusCiciliatoVakoMaxLeeYeetusTheFoetus 7 votes
Symbiote Supreme - 4/55
Anthinho 1 vote
Save For Other Champ
Warlord5386CptXXBEaNFLicK5Shenk 3 votes


  • Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Save For Other Champ
    Both of them don't really need to be awakened but doom is the better choice because then you can deal with vision aarkus and Hyperion more easily due to your power gain not to mention doom is one of the highest prestige champions except surfer. Also you can cheese resistor nodes by slapping the hell out of opponents in the corner since for every nullify there is a chance to apply shock which ultimately means in buff heavy matchups there is infinite stun lock.
    I personally used a mystic ag on doom just for the herald vision aarkus.
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