4 mil Casual but Active alliance looking for up to 5 players.

Howdy - The Living Dead (KIWEE) is looking for up to 5 players to join our active but chilled alliance. We are what I would call an intermediate level alliance with a few very experienced players running alt accounts. We are all 18+ and use LINE for communications. Chat is always kept clean and respectful.
We run 3xBGs map 2 and 3 Advanced for AQ and jump between tier 6 and 8 for AW (2 BGs currently) so more often than not are getting 5* shards.

SA is fortnightly currently but would look to go to weekly when we back to 30 active players.
We do not have requirements for events but would be expecting to finish Completion and Item use most times around. We will never push in arena events.

Since we are not running map 4+ their are no donation requirements currently. Once we full and looking at Map4 this we be reviewed.

So If you are active and able, (or willing to learn) we would love to have you on board. Please send me a pm either in game or on LINE if you are interested or want to chat more.

IGN - The BiggerE
LINE ID - thebiggere

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