Solve my dilemma

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
I am in act5 and have a rank4 4*corvus.
Shall I use him as he runs out of his charges sooner than I expected .
Also give me some tips.


  • SplamBorginSplamBorgin Member Posts: 211
    Yes you can use him. But you need to maximize his effectiveness for good results.

    You can maximize damage and minimize charges used by performing this cycle: Medium-Light-Medium, Parry, Medium-Light-Medium, Parry... keep going until SP2 and make sure you drop SP2 while you have atleast one charge. This way you can get beyond 35 combo. Once you're out of charges, perform 5 hit combo-parry cycle. [BEWARE you are coldsnap immune only as long as you have charges]
    Try and collect as many Persistent Charges as possible. They boost his crit damage by a lot.
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