Act 6 nerfs



  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    Hardest part of act 6 exploration was the ridiculous attack value, reducing it opens up so many more champs
  • The_enlightenedThe_enlightened Member Posts: 545 ★★★

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    I know that they are doing them..... However these attack nerfs aren't the pain point stuff, although Kabam describes them that way
    A parry with my stealthy in 6.4 was like 9% of my health unless you have sunspot, CAPIW or doom among others the attack values are a huge pain point. Not to mention some abilities of the defender scale off of attack value like voids direct damage and bishops energy penetration damage
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 981 ★★★★

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    I know that they are doing them..... However these attack nerfs aren't the pain point stuff, although Kabam describes them that way
    The damn 2nd sentence literally says "Next month, we'll be tuning fights that were specifically called out by our Community". Can you not read? What's the problem? The fight tuning is the pain point fights you keep crying about. It's right in front of your face and you keep going on and on about it.
    Yeah next month. It's August so therefore the next month is September.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    I know that they are doing them..... However these attack nerfs aren't the pain point stuff, although Kabam describes them that way
    The damn 2nd sentence literally says "Next month, we'll be tuning fights that were specifically called out by our Community". Can you not read? What's the problem? The fight tuning is the pain point fights you keep crying about. It's right in front of your face and you keep going on and on about it.
    Yeah next month. It's August so therefore the next month is September.
    Sure. But the release notes are for September. So the next month is October. Weird wording, sure, but 28.1 isn't out until September.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 981 ★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    It even said in the text that next month they are doing nerfs to the fights people considered pain points. The statement is written pretty clearly if you ask me.

    I know that they are doing them..... However these attack nerfs aren't the pain point stuff, although Kabam describes them that way
    The damn 2nd sentence literally says "Next month, we'll be tuning fights that were specifically called out by our Community". Can you not read? What's the problem? The fight tuning is the pain point fights you keep crying about. It's right in front of your face and you keep going on and on about it.
    Yeah next month. It's August so therefore the next month is September.
    Sure. But the release notes are for September. So the next month is October. Weird wording, sure, but 28.1 isn't out until September.
    That might have the part I didn't quite understand. I thought that the pain point nerfs were supposed to go live next month, which was technically September. However, apparently they might have implied that they would arrive the month after September, so technically next next month.

    Thanks @ItsDamien for actually being somewhat helpful.
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  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,337 ★★★★★
    wake us up when they start talking compensation B)
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  • pigupompompigupompom Member Posts: 110
    URGENT ATTENTION (nerf waves)
    *WARNING long essay ahead

    - finally happening totally unreal this is happening for the first time in Kabam history.
    - Nerf Champion. Great moves, everyone can now be Cavalier.
    - Nerf 6.3/6.4, Yay! for exploration reward.
    - More nerfs coming- Hurray! but really? Lack of detailed timeline with no ideas how many more are coming.
    - Ambiguity in Act 6 exploration hasn’t been so hard to decide. To-do or not-to-do the rest of the content.

    - I undertand why there is the need to these phases (get players to clear contents by batches of release will garner lots of feedback).
    - But this is mainly benefitting the fresh Cavalier players. However i feel that it is counterintuitive to release the nerf in phases simply because all the variation of completed stages (eg 50% explores) when different phases is introduced should logically summed up to a different compensation.
    - Therefore, compensation has to be addressed almost IMMEDIATELY if you guys decide to release them in phases and ALL PROGRESSION should only be taken into account just before the nerf take place. Otherwise, players will be torn with so many options as such;
    1. Most fresh Cavalier will likely only complete once and leave it until the final nerfs —> these people don’t care bout compensation and will only move along with every nerfs.
    2. Those who are half-way through and would now have to decide to finish that chapter completely before the nerf.
    —> hopefully to get the FULL compensation as promised
    3. Those who are half-way through and wish to wait until all the nerfs are roll out not knowing when the last nerf is out. This group might have faced road blocks and not having fun with the game at this point. Probably wouldn’t 100% Act 6.
    —> do not have faith in half-ass compensation and just take whatever it may be.
    4. Those who have been waiting for the FULL nerfs, waiting for the compensation to roll-out to evaluate effort VS nerf+compensation to see if they wanna complete the leftover before next phase nerf
    —> they hope for a significant compensation that might scale up to the effort completing them in tight dead-lines BEFORE the next nerf commence. Might end up disappointed with no compensation for future nerf.
    5. Those who have completed ACT6 way before knowing the nerf
    —> would expect a HUGE scalable compensation espeically a huge bump to 5/6 shards and upgrade resources and possibly reward on par with abyss 6*class selector Nexus crystal as FULL exploration reward that inarguably took way longer and tougher than Abyss.
    Looking at the amount nerf that is almost half the originally difficulty i think these players deserve better.
    This would be crucial move for KABAM to address this otherwise when future act 7 is released, people will lost interest to even try knowing that it might be nerfed and unfairly treated with those who didn’t try at all.

    Yes, by making Cavalier more exclusive to maintain the difficulty on 6.1 and 6.2 sounds great on book. Having Champion boss nerfed was already first wave isn’t it?
    It is a great start with a catch. Catch is how is the players compensated? Is it in a planning stage or still waiting for responds when each wave is released to test water again.

    It also limit the people would get access to Cavalier difficulty in Sept might be a good solution to stop people overreacting to things they cannot possible fight yet. Not everyone is going to be ready for that difficult.

    This decision however reflects poorly on the decision of throwing people off board and wouldn’t know if they should go on with ACT6 at all. Counterintuitive at best.

    Also it looks a little bit too convenient to nerf in phases where people are thrown off their deciding factor to mainly do exploration, forgetting about the compensation.
    We wish to see the scale of compensation matches with completion % and it has to be rolled out before any nerfs take place.
    If the Act is 100% explores, the exploration and completion reward should be a least doubled.

    Right now, i on the last few rounds with 6.4.6
    What do i do now? and if i complete after this first phase, would it jeapordize my compensation for the whole act 6.4?
    I believe a lot of people need clarification of this nerf that might end up affecting those who have partially completed act 6.4. I don’t think it is fair if say we complete act 6 after this first phase of nerf, and we are not entitled to the full compensation because we enjoy the nerf.

    It is more complex to even decide for the players by giving such option.
    Most of us have stopped exploring but there are some who will still work their way in cuz nobody likes a half-baked progress.

    Alternatively, introduce COMPENSATION with each NERF WAVE.
    - nerf champion should reward early completion with more 5*/6* shards.
    - nerf Act 6.3/6.4 should give the exploration a huge bump in all existing rewards including additional big units bonus, and 2 5* nexus and 1 6* nexus extra.

    @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit " @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
    Please help us clear this haze of decision and clear up the air by sharing the exact plan for compensation before any nerf and by phases if applicable.

    It is heart wrenching that all the meta players were trying their best, investing all the money and units into completing act 6 to end up getting little to not significant compensation at such a huge difficulty differences. Worse so if they were half way through the act6 now, not knowing if they should try bash through the difficult version- only if the compensation is worth the effort.

    Please be kind with sharing relevant information, eventhough this might cause a huge mess with compensation that is released based on phases, which was not communicated before. It would be lovely if it is more transparent and not let us bash through walls, end up totally defeated, devastated and broke.

    I’m feeling positive majority of end game players will really appreciate your effort in besting the key in communication and transparency.

    Thank you for reading. Peace out.

  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    URGENT ATTENTION (nerf waves)
    *WARNING long essay ahead

    - finally happening totally unreal this is happening for the first time in Kabam history.
    - Nerf Champion. Great moves, everyone can now be Cavalier.
    - Nerf 6.3/6.4, Yay! for exploration reward.
    - More nerfs coming- Hurray! but really? Lack of detailed timeline with no ideas how many more are coming.
    - Ambiguity in Act 6 exploration hasn’t been so hard to decide. To-do or not-to-do the rest of the content.

    - I undertand why there is the need to these phases (get players to clear contents by batches of release will garner lots of feedback).
    - But this is mainly benefitting the fresh Cavalier players. However i feel that it is counterintuitive to release the nerf in phases simply because all the variation of completed stages (eg 50% explores) when different phases is introduced should logically summed up to a different compensation.
    - Therefore, compensation has to be addressed almost IMMEDIATELY if you guys decide to release them in phases and ALL PROGRESSION should only be taken into account just before the nerf take place. Otherwise, players will be torn with so many options as such;
    1. Most fresh Cavalier will likely only complete once and leave it until the final nerfs —> these people don’t care bout compensation and will only move along with every nerfs.
    2. Those who are half-way through and would now have to decide to finish that chapter completely before the nerf.
    —> hopefully to get the FULL compensation as promised
    3. Those who are half-way through and wish to wait until all the nerfs are roll out not knowing when the last nerf is out. This group might have faced road blocks and not having fun with the game at this point. Probably wouldn’t 100% Act 6.
    —> do not have faith in half-ass compensation and just take whatever it may be.
    4. Those who have been waiting for the FULL nerfs, waiting for the compensation to roll-out to evaluate effort VS nerf+compensation to see if they wanna complete the leftover before next phase nerf
    —> they hope for a significant compensation that might scale up to the effort completing them in tight dead-lines BEFORE the next nerf commence. Might end up disappointed with no compensation for future nerf.
    5. Those who have completed ACT6 way before knowing the nerf
    —> would expect a HUGE scalable compensation espeically a huge bump to 5/6 shards and upgrade resources and possibly reward on par with abyss 6*class selector Nexus crystal as FULL exploration reward that inarguably took way longer and tougher than Abyss.
    Looking at the amount nerf that is almost half the originally difficulty i think these players deserve better.
    This would be crucial move for KABAM to address this otherwise when future act 7 is released, people will lost interest to even try knowing that it might be nerfed and unfairly treated with those who didn’t try at all.

    Yes, by making Cavalier more exclusive to maintain the difficulty on 6.1 and 6.2 sounds great on book. Having Champion boss nerfed was already first wave isn’t it?
    It is a great start with a catch. Catch is how is the players compensated? Is it in a planning stage or still waiting for responds when each wave is released to test water again.

    It also limit the people would get access to Cavalier difficulty in Sept might be a good solution to stop people overreacting to things they cannot possible fight yet. Not everyone is going to be ready for that difficult.

    This decision however reflects poorly on the decision of throwing people off board and wouldn’t know if they should go on with ACT6 at all. Counterintuitive at best.

    Also it looks a little bit too convenient to nerf in phases where people are thrown off their deciding factor to mainly do exploration, forgetting about the compensation.
    We wish to see the scale of compensation matches with completion % and it has to be rolled out before any nerfs take place.
    If the Act is 100% explores, the exploration and completion reward should be a least doubled.

    Right now, i on the last few rounds with 6.4.6
    What do i do now? and if i complete after this first phase, would it jeapordize my compensation for the whole act 6.4?
    I believe a lot of people need clarification of this nerf that might end up affecting those who have partially completed act 6.4. I don’t think it is fair if say we complete act 6 after this first phase of nerf, and we are not entitled to the full compensation because we enjoy the nerf.

    It is more complex to even decide for the players by giving such option.
    Most of us have stopped exploring but there are some who will still work their way in cuz nobody likes a half-baked progress.

    Alternatively, introduce COMPENSATION with each NERF WAVE.
    - nerf champion should reward early completion with more 5*/6* shards.
    - nerf Act 6.3/6.4 should give the exploration a huge bump in all existing rewards including additional big units bonus, and 2 5* nexus and 1 6* nexus extra.

    @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit " @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
    Please help us clear this haze of decision and clear up the air by sharing the exact plan for compensation before any nerf and by phases if applicable.

    It is heart wrenching that all the meta players were trying their best, investing all the money and units into completing act 6 to end up getting little to not significant compensation at such a huge difficulty differences. Worse so if they were half way through the act6 now, not knowing if they should try bash through the difficult version- only if the compensation is worth the effort.

    Please be kind with sharing relevant information, eventhough this might cause a huge mess with compensation that is released based on phases, which was not communicated before. It would be lovely if it is more transparent and not let us bash through walls, end up totally defeated, devastated and broke.

    I’m feeling positive majority of end game players will really appreciate your effort in besting the key in communication and transparency.

    Thank you for reading. Peace out.

    I stopped reading once you said everyone can be cavalier now that the Champion is nerfed. Everyone could be Cavalier before that since 6.2 isn't needed for Cavalier.
  • pigupompompigupompom Member Posts: 110
    edited August 2020

    oh thx for pointing that out.🙏
    I meant to say now it could motivate anyone past 6.2 with Champion nerfed. the real debate of this is to address the feeling of too much uncertainty on the time line of this nerf and how the compensation would be addressed.

    3 months down the road when they first announced the nerf, is a long endless wait. now slapped with more questions than answers.

    hope u guys know what i mean is lacking in this matter.
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