Which Mutant to rank up next?

SeazSeaz Member Posts: 29
I have 7 mutant t4cc to burn. Stuck at 5.2.4, no suicides, and my top mutants so far are X23 5* rank 3 and Domino 4* rank 5. Who should I rank up next and in what order?

Which Mutant to rank up next? 21 votes

5* Namor (unawakened, r2 to r3)
LibralonixWmbly62MoosetiptronicWRIRdot_dittoRenaxqqRoKoPlayzzzshield456Red_Guardian 9 votes
4* Omega Red (awakened, r4 to r5)
CobraEtjamaThicco_ModeBonzodavidErocksXguard77Celtic1981Yodabolt21The_Avenger 9 votes
4* Havok (awakened, r4 to r5)
Kill_GreyYeetusTheFoetus 2 votes
4* Sabertooth (unawakened, r1 to r5)
5* Mister Sinister (unawakened, r1 to r3)
Thanton 1 vote


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    4* Omega Red (awakened, r4 to r5)
    I would go Omega then Havok. Wait for the another mutant after that, unless you dupe Namor and get him to a high sig.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    4* Havok (awakened, r4 to r5)
    I would go havok first. Extremely helpful in general content, and one of the best champs for act 5 100%
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    4* Omega Red (awakened, r4 to r5)
    Omega shuts down Masochism, definitely go with him since you're stuck on 5.2.4
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    4* Omega Red (awakened, r4 to r5)
    omega is one of the best counters for 5.2.4
  • SeazSeaz Member Posts: 29
    Cool thanks everyone. I'll start working on Omega Red first. I wasn't sure how viable he was without suicides, but it sounds like he's still worth it.

    What is Havok's major positives? I like the insane damage on his sp2 and sp3, but I honestly don't really know a lot about him.

    I like Namor's play style and he's one of my fav Marvel characters, but maybe I'll wait to dupe him or use a mutant gem one day before ranking him up. Doesn't sound like he's all that good unawakened and needs a high sig, right?
  • STARKtechSTARKtech Member Posts: 128
    Magneto red
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    5* Namor (unawakened, r2 to r3)
    It kinda depends on your current progression, but I'd always favour 5* over the 4*
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    4* Havok (awakened, r4 to r5)
    Seaz said:

    Cool thanks everyone. I'll start working on Omega Red first. I wasn't sure how viable he was without suicides, but it sounds like he's still worth it.

    What is Havok's major positives? I like the insane damage on his sp2 and sp3, but I honestly don't really know a lot about him.

    I like Namor's play style and he's one of my fav Marvel characters, but maybe I'll wait to dupe him or use a mutant gem one day before ranking him up. Doesn't sound like he's all that good unawakened and needs a high sig, right?

    Havok's got energy resist, incinerate immunity, his feedback damage is underrated, and it's a quick way to end fights. He's also got a great ability against energy damage, reduces it and gets free plasma gain. He's extremely versatile, and there's a few bad nodes and/or matchups for him!
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