Returning to the game

BigTexxxAssBigTexxxAss Member Posts: 13
So I’ve taken quite some time away from MCOC. I left right after they nurfed Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch. Now returning, my question is who are the main champs that are needed to finish Act 5 and the rest of the end game content, or have the newer champs been balanced so anyone can be used for the harder content?


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  • BigTexxxAssBigTexxxAss Member Posts: 13
    That would be greatly appreciated
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  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★

    So I’ve taken quite some time away from MCOC. I left right after they nurfed Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch. Now returning, my question is who are the main champs that are needed to finish Act 5 and the rest of the end game content, or have the newer champs been balanced so anyone can be used for the harder content?

    You have a lot to catch up on my friend
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    Where are u in act 5
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    I found Cap IW and Dr Voodoo to be great for clearing Act 5
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    1) Story Milestones
    There are 3 Milestones that you should know about and focus your roster on: The Uncollected, Elder’s Bane, and Cavalier. The Uncollected is achieved by completing 5.2. Elder’s Bane is achieved by exploring Act 5. Cavalier is achieved by completing Act 6 Chapter 1.
    Elder’s Bane doesn’t offer any progression-based rewards, so it can be skipped if you want to become cavalier first. However, it does offer a good amount of 6-Star shards, a generic 5-Star gem and a 3-4 5-Star Gem.
    The Uncollected is a vital title before proceeding to further content. I wasn’t sure if you already had this title, so I included it. When becoming Uncollected, you can unlock Uncollected Event Quest difficulty which has some very good rewards on a monthly basis.
    Cavalier is a milestone further down the road after becoming Uncollected. Act 6 is gated to 5 and 6-Star champions (this was very controversial), so you’ll need to develop your 5-Star roster if you want to look towards working towards it. Additionally, Cavalier EQ is coming this coming month, but we don’t know what that’ll look like just yet.

    2) Variants
    Variants are the endgame modification of very old event quests in MCOC. They are considered ‘endgame content’ by Kabam, but are more often used as a bridge between UC and Cav. There are currently 5 Variants and you may be able to complete one for big rewards, depending on your roster. Variants 3,4 and 5 have 6 Quests. Variant 1 and 2 have 9 quests. Here’s a quick overview of them:
    Variant 1: Neglected a lot, because the rewards are lower than the other variants and because of the much higher difficulty. Would not recommend, no matter what your roster looks like. Geared towards diversity amongst all classes.
    Variant 2: Geared towards #XL Champions. The larger they are, the better. The reason why you want to use Larger champions is because there is a global node that essentially has certain attacks get glanced based on the size of the champions. #XL Champs can’t glance and all champs can’t get their attacks glanced. However, if your attacks glanced, you take damage back. And it adds up, believe me.
    Variant 3: Geared towards tech champions. Sentinel has a global node specifically designed for him and it makes him stupidly insane for this variant. If you pull a 5 or 6-star sentinel, you basically have V3 complete already. And I’m not even exaggerating. Ghost, Warlock (Newer Champ), Guillotine 2099 and other solid Techs do very well here.
    Variant 4: Geared towards to all different star rarities. Quest 1 is gated to 5 and 6-Stars and Quest 2 to only 5 stars. Quest 3 is gated to 4 stars, Quest 4 to 3 stars, Quest 5 to 2 stars, and Quest 6 to 1 stars. I hope you didn’t sell your 1 and 2-Stars. Chapter 1 (Quests 1 and 2) is the are the hardest. But once you get passed that, it’s smooth sailing!
    Variant 5: Gated to Spider-Verse Heroes, Symbiote, and Mystic Champions. If you have a very strong champion in these categories, you can probably pull through and get completion. They buffed the rewards for this Variant, but also raised the difficulty.

    3) Alliance Quest and Alliance War
    There are have been very big changes to both of these events.
    First of all, The final alliance war boss has been changed to Doctor Doom. Doom is very hard to fight at first, so I would join an ally that runs a lower map just to get used to him first. Joining an alliance that runs Map 4 or 5 would be a very bad time for many reasons. Mini bosses have been changed to newer champions, so you’re probably going to have to spend a lot of time in the Champion Spotlight section of the forums to get familiar with a lot of them. The glory that you get from AQ is very valuable. The glory store is very good and has seen a lot of upgrades.
    Alliance War is going to take a lot of getting used to. A lot of newer champions are very toxic on defense and there a lot of new nodes that’ll take some getting used to. Champion Spotlights will help with this, but you’ll find the problem defenders one way or another. The loyalty sucks compared to the glory store, but it still offers some good AW items. Season rewards have gotten very good buffs, so there’s that also.

    4) Realm of Legends, Road to the Labyrinth and Labyrinth of Legends.
    ROL, RTTL and LOL have all aged pretty badly.
    Realm of Legends is extremely easy and we are at the point in the game to where LOL Bosses can be auto fought and soloed by the AI. The rewards are very sub-par and it’s not really something worth doing unless you need t4b.
    Road to the Labyrinth is arguably the piece of content that has aged the worst in the entire game. The rewards are painfully low for the required level. Additionally, they removed the requirement of completing it in order to reach LOL. So now it just gets completely neglected.
    LOL is... interesting. I would personally avoid LOL unless you pull Aegon, Guillotine 2099, Ghost or another very good LOL option. DO NOT do LOL with Star Lord. Just trust me on that. He’s aged extremely badly.

    5) Incursions
    This is the new game mode that has come to the game relatively recently. Essentially, you pair up with a partner (a random one or a friend) and fight 2-3 opponents. That’s the end of the zone, then you move onto the next zone and the difficulty rises with every zone. With each zone, the zone completion rewards also increase. However, you are able to collect these ‘hacks’ that buff certain champion abilities and make your champs crazy! At the end of each zone, you can either revive your team (for free), do a 40% team heal, or pick up a boss module. Boss modules are buffs that can be absolutely insane for some champions!
    Incursions may sound kinda complicated, but they are really fun!

    6) Champions
    *Inhales Deeply*
    So, I don’t know exactly when SW and Strange were nerfed exactly, but regardless of when they were nerfed, you still missed a lot. The meta has shifted completely. I’ll attempt to break it down, but it’s going to take a second. Here goes:

    Part 1: Rarities of Champions
    4-Stars have aged horribly. 4-Stars used to be the kings of the contest apparently. 5 and 6-Stars have changed that forever. 6 stars take a while to acquire and 5-Stars are becoming easier and easier to obtain. A 3/45 5-Star is similar stat-wise to a 5/50 4-Star. Since 4-Stars require a good chunk of t4b and some t1a, they routinely get left at 3/30 by high end players. Don’t get me wrong though, 5/50’s still can put in work in Act 5, but since 4-Stars are gated out of Act 6, they’ve drastically fallen out of the meta. One could argue that 5-Stars are losing their shine, but don’t worry about that. It’s also kinda true and kinda false. It’s complicated.

    Part 2: The Meta
    I saw that you asked whether or not Strange and Switch are still the only ones that can clear content. That is very far from the case today. Switch isn’t available as a 5 or 6-Star, so she’s lost a lot of value compared to top mystics. Strange is useless. Now you may be wondering what the current meta is. Here is my very, very rough guide at the current meta summary:
    Top Tier Second to None Champs: Ghost and Quake. Quake is very hard to play correctly. Her playstyle is weird, but is close to undefeated when mastered. Ghost is extremely versatile and can clear a lot of content alone, but does very well when paired with wasp.
    Meta Champs (Extremely Strong Champs):
    Colossus, Omega Red, Arcangel, Sunspot, Doctor Doom, Aegon, Nick Fury, Corvus Glaive, Hyperion, Captain Marvel (Movie), Warlock, Guillotine 2099, Void, Captain America (Infinity War), Human Torch, Thing, Black Widow (Claire Voyant), Red Guardian, Symbiote Supreme. These champs are the top of the line, go-to meta champs.
    I may be off, since I’m not an endgame player, but you can’t go wrong with these champs (though some of them may need to be awakened to be great).
    Beast Mode Champs: (Extremely Strong Champs, but not quite the go-to champs. Still depends on the situation though):
    Havok, Sabretooth, Longshot, Sorcerer Supreme, Magik, Spider-Man (Stealth Suit), Blade, Hit Monkey, Medusa, Venom, Stark Spider-Man, Sentinel, She-Hulk, Emma Frost, Doctor Voodoo, Mojo, Vision (Aarkus). These champs may not be the Meta Champs in all situations, but they are still beast mode champs either way.

    Part 3: Champions Released:
    I’ve talked about champs in this entire document, but I can imagine that you’ve probably never even heard of them. Let’s just get into it so I can go to bed. I’ll be back tomorrow and I’ll give summaries of champions instead of just listing them. Seatin’s tier list is a good rough guide for each champ’s offensive use. There have definitely been a lot of them. A lot of good, bad and in between.
    Champs Released (By Year):
    Ghost, Iron Man (Infinity War), Sentinel, Red Skill, Aegon, Korg, Masacre, Killmonger, Night Thrasher, Hulk (Ragnarok), Void, Wasp, Captain America (Infinity War), Sentry, Symbiote Supreme, Omega Red, Sabretooth, Bishop, Domino, Goldpool, Emma Frost, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, The Champion, Heimdall, Venom the Duck.

    2019: Guillotine 2099, Mysterio, Warlock, Elsa Bloodstone, Ronin, Spider-Man (Stealth Suit), Nick Fury, Human Torch, Mister Fantastic, Thing, Invisible Woman, Black Widow (Claire Voyant), Doctor Doom, Diablo, Ebony Maw, Man-Thing, Namor, Havok, Mister Sinister, Sunsport, Annihilus, Captain Marvel (Movie), Cull Obsidian, Silver Surfer, Vision (Aarkus).

    2020: Mole Man, Squirrel Girl, Mojo, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot, Storm (Pyramid X), Wolverine (Weapon X), Nova, Terrax, Black Widow (Deadly Origin), Red Guardian, Hit Monkey, Tigra, Sasquatch, Guardian, Dragon Man, Air Walker. Professor X and Apocalypse are coming next month.

    I wrote this in the other thread but I think it got deleted. Hope I helped!

    you should make this a post for newer players or returning players
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  • BigTexxxAssBigTexxxAss Member Posts: 13
    This is incredibly helpful and detailed. Thank you for taking the time to type that.
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  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    I took a year off after racking up 30 useless 5* and no dupes and feeling like there was no point anymore because I had been stuck for so long. When I came back, it was refreshing to see that 5* were much more available and wouldn't you know it, colossus was amazing after his buff do I had someone to finally counter coldsnap, biohazard, caltrops and incinerate when I literally had no one in my roster who could even do just one of them effectively. That nudge, along with more 5* rolling in made things interesting again. And then, my luck magically for better and pulled some great champ's too. The biggest letdown was that there were so many new champ's that I could not dupe anyone for a long time so my iso and gold we're my biggest bottlenecks for a few more months. Find a good ally and start earning glory and ally rewards to help dig out of that hole at the same time you build your roster.
  • Thebombsquad1Thebombsquad1 Member Posts: 755 ★★★
    The fantastic 4 are here now
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