Tool for extracting signature levels?

After 12.0 update champions were changed and we received rank down tickets which was great.
But something we never received was tool take out signature stones used in which we invested months and months to get. Some of those champions we used signature stones on are basically only used in arena now.
With these changes in war, I think it's time to give us those tools, so we could adapt to changes and not feel like we wasted months if not years investing in champions that are no longer best choice to use with all changes since 12.0.
What is your opinion on it?
But something we never received was tool take out signature stones used in which we invested months and months to get. Some of those champions we used signature stones on are basically only used in arena now.
With these changes in war, I think it's time to give us those tools, so we could adapt to changes and not feel like we wasted months if not years investing in champions that are no longer best choice to use with all changes since 12.0.
What is your opinion on it?
If champion diversity stays, signature stones used on some champions are wasted. Not to mention with 12.0 changes where rank down tickets didn't help with this matter.