Which of these science champs is worth r2 or R5?

Currently I have a six star thing (sig 60) at rank 2, a 5 star (sig 80) Quake at 5/65 and a 5/65 max sig CAIW. All were very helpful completing act 6. But now I’m looking at exploring act 6 and all of the variants and want to know which other science champ wil be most helpful.

Which of these science champs is worth r2 or R5? 9 votes

Take 5 star (sig 20) Human Torch to rank 5
Joshua_Eivers 1 vote
Take 6 star (unduped) Human Torch to rank 2
HollowbornCap366Erik_BloodaxeYeetusTheFoetusInfiniteAbe17tuan96 6 votes
Take 5 star (sig 180) Void to rank 5
Sarvanga1_Thanton 2 votes
Take 6 star (unduped) Void to rank 2
Take 6 star (unduped) Hulk Rag to rank 2
Take 5 star (sig 100) Wasp to rank 5
Take 5 star (sig 60) She-Hulk To rank 5
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