Am I ready for act 5

ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
edited September 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Hey guys I have completed act 4 and now I am willing to be uncollected. Now I need your advice that whether my champions are good enough or should I rank up them

Please help me.


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Colossus will be an MVP for 5.2.4 caltrops but you might want to rank up that ghost. You can do it!
  • ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
    Crcrcrc said:

    Colossus will be an MVP for 5.2.4 caltrops but you might want to rank up that ghost. You can do it!

    Ya I also want to rank up Ghost but I have no t4cc
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Yes, you are ready just rank up fury and everything is done

    Best of luck😉😉
  • NavieenNavieen Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Definitely rank up ghost and learn to play her, also try to get some more god tier 4* maxed, and a couple of decent 5* and you can do it
  • InfiniteAbe17InfiniteAbe17 Member Posts: 168
    rank up that nick as well, even unawakened hes a really good bleed champ, and if you awaken him he becomes beyond got tier and a great defender.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I'd rank up ghost and quake. you should be able to do it
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    Rank up ghost, namor and colossus and level up venom u r ready and even rank up wasp for Ghost synetgy
    ghost, g99, and quake should be amazing for act 5, wait until nick is duped then take him up cos hed be a beast. whether ur ready or not depends on ur own skill but once that roster is ranked up most people should be able to
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