Did you stop getting 4 stars from PHC's after lvl 55ish

Curious to see if anyone else has noticed or experienced this. Looking back at some screenshots I have I noticed that it was around the time I hit level 55 that I completely stopped getting 4 stars from PHC's. I used to get at least 1 four star from every 100 crystals, usually less. Since hitting 55 I've opened 600 or so PHC's and I'm lucky to get a 3 star. Kaplop!
i did notice that i got my 1st 4* from PHC on day 21. and then my 1st (and 2nd) 4* from PHC on my baby account also on day 21. so maybe if you don't have any 4* by day 21, you'll get higher chances from a PHC on that day. i got rogue and voodoo, both of whom i don't have on my main. go figure.
Anyways, there seems to be some link the duration of time between opening your last 4* and whether or not you will get all 2* from PHC. I open so many PHCs now compared to when I first started playing in Dec. I remember getting GR and all sorts of 4* from PHC. I remember pulling Storm twice in a day. I haven't seen a 4* from a premium, guardian of galaxy, stark crystal shard, or any other crystal that isn't a 4* crystal since April. My alliance mates who rarely play get all sorts of good pulls to brag about, and I get penalized for playing more and getting more rewards.