Cav EQ Appreciation Post

JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
I genuinely had fun with the content, and it’s got me looking forward to *playing* the game each month- not just checking boxes to claim rewards. I wish the rewards were a little spicier, but I really think the difficulty is perfect. Thanks to the team that put it together.


  • SneakyWarriorSneakyWarrior Member Posts: 853 ★★★★
    JChanceH9 said:

    i feel like 3.1 in cav difficulty was made for omega. its a breeze with him.

    I’ll probably use Beast and Quake for most of it since I don’t have Omega
    quake will wreck that magik boss. im not upto her yet, still waiting on energy, but ive heard its pretty hard.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    @SneakyWarrior yeah, Quake worked well for her. I just played around with beast and it was meh, so I’ll just stick with the old reliables- colossus, Emma, iceman, Namor, and quake.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    I'm still UC but I don't get why everyone's so pressed about it. It seems perfectly fine and the 4 star challenge looks fun but challenging with high reward.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    HI_guys said:

    I thought it was perfect, and that deserves praise as there’s such a variety of players to cater to.

    I really enjoyed the larger health pools so that we finally have a use for high special damage characters like Havok and Sunspot outside of story quest without it being ridiculous overkill.

    Magneto is still overkill for metals
    Yes, but it’s more satisfying seeing that much more percentage of health zeroed out.

  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    I guess it depends on your roster. 3.1 without Omega Red is MISERABLE. I'm here plugging away with 5/65 Colossus and Iceman on biohazard vs 250K health pools and the fights are 5 minutes plus EACH.

    I personally want to see a reduction in the health pools. 3.1 is way too roster-specific. It's not like I can't do tough content, I've fully explored Abyss, and I swear I had a happier time doing that than doing this.
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  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    I’m not quite finished with exploration yet, only got one quest to go, but I’m really enjoying the content. Fights feel rewarding and engaging, retaining Challenge without being Act 6, and the 4* challenge allowed to use Quake ok serious content for the first time in years.

    I still the think the rewards miss the mark. It feels like I receive a pittance at the end of exploring a chapter or quest, and path rewards aren’t super enticing.

    If it had better rewards overall the content would be perfect. Of course, I wouldn’t mind it being slightly more challenging, as in, more 6.4 than 6.1 but it’s fine for what it is
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I love the content. Please it should stay like this for coming months nice work kabaam.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    edited September 2020

    I love this one. I really enjoyed making the nodes work and see some one like bp with 20 furies. Tech one was useless but the matches are still doable without using the nodes. Been a while since I enjoyed monthly eq. And it caters to everyone that says to easy with the 4* objectives. This one is a win in my books.

    Just working ch3 explore now.

    Tech node wasn’t great, and without Omega I am finding it difficult to even make use of the Mutant node without taking severe damage or bypassing bleed altogether.

    Hopefully they’ll keep playing around with cool new node ideas. I’d rather them try to be creative and miss a couple than just keep to the status quo and let the gameplay become stagnant.

    Kabam has seemed receptive to changing stuff when most people have true issues with it, so it gives me hope that if anything is ever too over the top we could see some quick rebalancing.

    If every month is like this Cav EQ, then I’m really looking forward to more.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    edited September 2020

    I guess it depends on your roster. 3.1 without Omega Red is MISERABLE. I'm here plugging away with 5/65 Colossus and Iceman on biohazard vs 250K health pools and the fights are 5 minutes plus EACH.

    I personally want to see a reduction in the health pools. 3.1 is way too roster-specific. It's not like I can't do tough content, I've fully explored Abyss, and I swear I had a happier time doing that than doing this.

    Aside from my having to use Quake for Magik (I suck at inverted controls personally), I haven’t had too much of an issue with 3.1. There are a lot of good bleed immune champs that work fairly well- BWCV has been great.

    The health pools are a little crazy, but I’m honestly happy they went higher on the health pools rather than jacking the attack values up. Seems to facilitate strategy (since you can’t just plow everything down with Corvus), and give people something engaging to do outside of arena and alliance events.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, and I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’ve enjoyed it, though.
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  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 998 ★★★★
    I finished my 4star run for the Cavalier difficulty and it was fun, my 4star roster isnt as developed as I’d like it to be but I was still able to tackle it since you aren’t heavily punished for not using the right class. I’d say the difficulty is on point and perfect, Good job Kabam team.
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