Cav EQ Appreciation Post

I genuinely had fun with the content, and it’s got me looking forward to *playing* the game each month- not just checking boxes to claim rewards. I wish the rewards were a little spicier, but I really think the difficulty is perfect. Thanks to the team that put it together.
I know there’s a lot going on. Just wanted to throw out a carrot in the midst of all the sticks.
The thing I love about cav difficulty is the combination of both rewarding and punishing nodes. We’ve been begging for this for so long and Kabam knocked it out of the park. I had a blast playing the cosmic and science quests the most.
Beast could be interesting with the bleed potency/duration reduction. 😋
I really enjoyed the larger health pools so that we finally have a use for high special damage characters like Havok and Sunspot outside of story quest without it being ridiculous overkill.
Just working ch3 explore now.
Besides that, I think Kabam absolutely nailed Cavalier difficulty. Specific requirements that are not hard at all to achieve, and nodes that reward you if you perform certain actions, but are not unclearable roadblocks if you choose to not fulfill them.
Great job Kabam.
I personally want to see a reduction in the health pools. 3.1 is way too roster-specific. It's not like I can't do tough content, I've fully explored Abyss, and I swear I had a happier time doing that than doing this.
I still the think the rewards miss the mark. It feels like I receive a pittance at the end of exploring a chapter or quest, and path rewards aren’t super enticing.
If it had better rewards overall the content would be perfect. Of course, I wouldn’t mind it being slightly more challenging, as in, more 6.4 than 6.1 but it’s fine for what it is
Hopefully they’ll keep playing around with cool new node ideas. I’d rather them try to be creative and miss a couple than just keep to the status quo and let the gameplay become stagnant.
Kabam has seemed receptive to changing stuff when most people have true issues with it, so it gives me hope that if anything is ever too over the top we could see some quick rebalancing.
If every month is like this Cav EQ, then I’m really looking forward to more.
The health pools are a little crazy, but I’m honestly happy they went higher on the health pools rather than jacking the attack values up. Seems to facilitate strategy (since you can’t just plow everything down with Corvus), and give people something engaging to do outside of arena and alliance events.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, and I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’ve enjoyed it, though.