Any ETA for Mastery Setup system ?

the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 412 ★★★
This is a quality of life change really required right now , 2 available mastery setups which are switchable on demand are needed.
Too much of units are being wasted just for changing mastery setups. This needs to happen ASAP. So if Kabam can give any details on when it will drop that will be really great.


  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    Well, when you consider free mastery changes for somewhere like alliance war defence, where someone could just put all their points in defensive masteries, willpower, and maybe despair without repercussions. It could lead to severe imbalance.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    The charge is there in part to prevent you from switching at will without good reason, a 10-15 unit charge will not do that.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    Well, when you consider free mastery changes for somewhere like alliance war defence, where someone could just put all their points in defensive masteries, willpower, and maybe despair without repercussions. It could lead to severe imbalance.
    The only problem that comes from that would be Limber and maybe MD. And high lvl alliances are switching them anyway for each war. Btw you could just give defenders a default mastery setup so every defender has the same for War.

    + dont forget we paided over 20k units to unlock them. Yes over 20.000 units. There are asolute 0 reasons (aside from money) why there should be a pricetag on them.

    Eps when there are champs that punish some Mastery VERY hard.

    Void and Suicides.

    Dex and Dorm, Symbiod S or Mojo.

    Willpower and Warlock.

    In a world where such champs exsist you should be a able to adapt to the problem without paying 120 units (thats how much my offensive tree costs to switch).
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    Well, when you consider free mastery changes for somewhere like alliance war defence, where someone could just put all their points in defensive masteries, willpower, and maybe despair without repercussions. It could lead to severe imbalance.
    Whales with tons of units can choose to do that but don't because your attacks suffer a lot. Also, defensive masteries won't make much difference in AW tbh.

    What I would like is being able to pull points from one mastery and put in another without resetting he entire tree. The cost can remain but you would only be charged for the specific masteries you're changing and it takes away a lot of stress. Most of the time, what stops me from changing masteries isn't the cost but the stress of manually putting those points back again and making sure you didn't miss anything
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Masteries affect champs like crazy. 50% damage increase, shrug off stun fast, resist heavies. No way would they make them free.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Just make masteries free. We don't need new masteries in my opinion.

    I dont mind new mastery. But idc if it takes ages until they bring them out since I understand that its hard to balance them.

    Important are free and easy switches
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    I’m not trying to steal the spotlight but I actually made a post about this a week ago and nobody responded. I said the same thing you said but I’m more detail. Have spectate mastery builds and switch them to whichever you need to. Same cost for changing but more times saved.

    Keep the posts coming 👍🏻

    The more we call for it the more likly it becomes reality
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    The charge is there in part to prevent you from switching at will without good reason, a 10-15 unit charge will not do that.
    Defeats the whole purpose of the mastery system. Switching at will was something encouraged when the mastery system launched so each summoner has some unique build setup that compliments our roster. Not being able to change it easily as the nature of our roster changes and during AW /AQ / Questing contradicts that same fact.
    Still stand by my motto of -'Mastery changes must be free' . If not cut the cost down by like 1/3rd of what it is now.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Why can this not be free ? Masteries are supposed to help players according to different situation , its a utility developed for the players to help use each champion to their required levels of optimum usage. This should not cost units, idk why you think they should put a pricetag on that.
    But I won't mind 10-15 units as a charge for the change instead of 60-80 units for entire setup change again and again makes no sense.

    The charge is there in part to prevent you from switching at will without good reason, a 10-15 unit charge will not do that.
    Defeats the whole purpose of the mastery system. Switching at will was something encouraged when the mastery system launched so each summoner has some unique build setup that compliments our roster. Not being able to change it easily as the nature of our roster changes and during AW /AQ / Questing contradicts that same fact.
    Still stand by my motto of -'Mastery changes must be free' . If not cut the cost down by like 1/3rd of what it is now.
    I dont think you know the purpose of the mastery system. Switching builds is not one of its purposes, it is allowed, but not its purpose. in fact making them free defeats the purpose of unique builds, because then everyone can have anyt build at any time.
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