5* Featured cristal postponed opening

GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270
Hi all.
What if I buy now a 5* featured cristal and I hold it till November?
1) Can I hold it for future opening or I will lost it in time?
2) When I decide to open it I can have a chance for the fetured one the day I buy it or for the current one?
3) If I open it in november the Base heroes (If I do not get the featured) will be the same as now or the newly introduced can be in the pool?


  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Features crystals have all those champs in them already
  • THX135THX135 Member Posts: 83
    1) you can hold and open in the future. The basic pool and sub-feature pool will be at the time you open. For example, if you hold until Dec. Iceman and AA will be in the basic pool when you open the feature.

    2) The feature is always for the feature you originally bought for. Each feature has their own special feature crystal. Example, you buy Medusa 5* feature it will always be for Medusa feature when you open.

    3) Basic pool of heroes will be what is in the basic pool at time of opening.
  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
    U can buy featured crystal and hold it it'll be there untill u open it and u still have chance for that featured hero
  • MyTaffyMyTaffy Member Posts: 144
    Each feature crystal is a specific crystal with specific name which has specific champion as featured.

    No matter when you open it, it will still be that specific champion featured.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    If you're asking if you buy a 5* Medusa crystal and want to hold onto it until Blade comes out (for example) and hope you get Blade, that's not how it works.
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