Do people react differently to your posts based on the avatar you chose? Case study....

I've been noticing since X23 became my top champ (I keep my avatar on here the same as my avatar in game) people have replied and talked to me differently on the forums. Since going from a voodoo icon to an X23, I've gotten many more positive replies than I did before, and people seem over all more polite (outside of mods haha).... has anyone else experienced this before or am I thinking too much into it?
hahaha... is that a no?
could you do me a favor and change your avatar to a female character for a week and see if people reply to you differently.. I am genuinely curious.
They seriously need to update the avatars, I want starky as mine too
What about using the avatar AND name? lol
I honestly doubt that changing my avatar to a female character is going to affect how people treat me. I mean, I did say a potential treatment change could be between Spider Gwen and another avatar, but even then, the key word is potential so it may not be true.
I honestly believe it is just your identity and behavior that determines the kind of treatment you get. Been unconstructive and constantly try to start fights, likely bad treatment. Offering helpful advise to players or making people have a laugh, probably good treatment.
There were quite a few suggestions from the community to input options that are antonyms of the current ones, such as disagree and dislike. Though it was considered, mods said that it could possibly make the forums feel more negative.
Not sure if I really agree with that, dislike and disagree can be constructive opinions, like "I disagree with your idea because blah blah blah". Plus, it would be much better than someone falsely flagging the post for spam or abuse just because they don't like the post.
What's worse is that false flagging is no different than real flagging. A post that is legitimately breaking the rules and has 3 flags compared to a post of an unpopular opinion but still following the rules that has 3 flags doesn't look any different in the respective player's profiles. It's still going to show the post that has been flagged 3 times for the legitimate player, and it just makes that player look bad even when they have done nothing wrong.
Alright, as I mentioned, the key words in my first reply are "think" and "guess", and not "most definitely".
I only made this assumption because Spider Gwen is a default avatar for any new forum user. As such, it could probably be considered by many as the "Newbie" or "Noob" profile picture. Because of that, they MIGHT treat you differently (either positively or negatively) because you have that avatar, which might make them think you are a newbie to the forums.
But of course, it is a personal assumption, it may or may not be true. :P
Really I dont seem to agree. Honestly I have been rollin as an iceman forever now and ppl at the forums have always given me a lot of respect .
Its like they seem to find my posts to be the unicorn in the forums.( I definately dont get why Iceman profile should indicate that I am cocky!!
I appreciate the insight!
sorry..didn't mean to be racist there
I also changed my avatar from crossbones to Joe. Partly because he's a more unique avatar (easier to find my comments) and partly because he was my in-game face for a while way back in the day. Haven't noticed any change in going from a good character to a bad one though.