I really enjoyed the new Cavalier difficulty

Don't usually post here but just wanted to say despite the mistakes or not so great ideas Kabaam has had in the past. I really enjoyed this content. I am end game player with a diverse roster. Been playing over 4 years now. For the past 6 months I have been bored with uncollected. It felt like a job getting the rewards more than enjoyable experience but with the new cav difficulty, I do enjoy the event quest again. I feel kabaam hit mark on this one with attacker bonus nodes. I was able to use champs I don't normally use to clear the content. The health and attack values were on par to act 6.1 and 6.2 which you should be use to if you are titled CAVALIER. If you get hit you don't instantly died like 6.3 and 6.4. The boss fights wasn't too complicated with a bunch crazy nodes besides that magik she kinda suck but they were not too easy either. Having the rewards spread out within the map I didn't mind because regardless I'm going to 100% it but I do feel you (Kabaam) should've left uncollected completion rewards like they were. That's what we are use too. Also it would be nice to have more t2a in Cav difficulty but all in all you guys did a great job in my eyes. I know some popular gamers will voice their opinion for it to be watered down and have more rewards but its alot of end game players like myself that enjoy a challenge. Every one leaving high school can't jump straight into the league. Some have to go to college first to develop their game..don't let that go over your heads.
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