Nerfed War = Back to Full Time Suicides?

PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
Since AW defence is pretty much a non-starter now, is there any reason not to go back to full time suicides?

I can run AQ with immune champs (Dorm, Vision, Hulk) and pretty much enjoy +60% damage with no real cost.

AW was the only thing holding me back from running suicides, it seems like this is a green light to put them back.


  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I just opened suicides for the same reason. They actually help defense under the new ratint
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    That they do it's almost stupid to not use them funny how a certain youtube uses them all the time and now there beneficial...seems interesting
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Especially when that same YouTube channel constantly complains about facing mystics in war all the time...
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