Mojo threw SP3 midway through my combo

Wanted to see if anyone else experienced this lately. I was in AW and was mod combo against a mini boss mojo. And he just threw his SP3 while I was halfway through my combo. That’s not intended right?
I have contacted Kabam several times and I keep getting the same generic response. It seems pointless to notify them anymore. I don’t know how or care to record fights to send them in or post. I have gone FTP because of the bugs, not that I really spent much anyway. No more unit card or random crystals for my kids to pop. Oh well, I just can’t justify spending with so many issues unresolved.
I was just wrecked by mini boss Elsa in AQ mid combo by her combo straight into a sp2. She did not evade, it was not her evade mechanic. She had 8 percent health and KOd my 6* doc oc who hadn’t taken a hit the entire fight.
Always happens
The whole game is a broken mess right now.
I have some videos recorded but I don’t know how I’m supposed to upload them (YouTube I’m assuming?). And without seeing my fingers in the screen you can’t really see what the game should be doing.