Is platpool going to be added to the deadpool synergies?

Lobster44Lobster44 Member Posts: 147
I expected platpool to count for the synergies that require a deadpool form (OG/X-Force/Goldpool), like nick's restoration kit and massacre's inspiration, however he currently does not seem to be included in these. Is there any plan to add him to these synergies or do I not bother about going for him (that nick synergy is the main reason I actually want a 5* deadpool).


  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    I mentioned something about this in the suggestions page, I understand not adding him to existing synergies but hopefully he gets added to some future ones. Right now all the has are unique synergies so it would make him a lot more useful and playable.

    I would say he is a lot more fun to play and actually has more uses than x-force Deadpool though.
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