Which 4 star champ to take to 4/40

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
edited September 2017 in General Discussion
I only have 2 five stars and no 4 star class catalysts so I'm not worried about using t4b catalysts.

Current 4/40 champs are duped versions of DV, GP, CA WW2 and Wolverine and unduped Stark SM and Hyperion.

Which 4 star champ to take to 4/40 9 votes

SW (duped)
buttersNemesis666 2 votes
X-23 (Duped)
winterthurvg2782Dark_King888hydrogohard 4 votes
AA (unduped)
Magik (unduped)
BUZZdog3000 1 vote
Psylocke (duped)
Ultron (unduped)
SMiller80Spity68 2 votes


  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★
    Ultron (unduped)
    A lot of this depends on what you're using the champ for, but given your current roster I say Ultron. Gives you your first tech champ, you have double immunity and the regen. It makes Ultron good for questing in all aspects of the game.
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