Guidance required

I'm finding act 5.2.1 pretty hard. Can you please look into my roster and tell me what or who am I missing? I'm waiting for a catalyst to upgrade Hyperion. Since I can't do act 5, I'm focusing on exploring act 4. Any guidance would be appreciated... 

Use 3 boosts, and try to get class disadvantage(advantage) where possible. Stack up as much revive and pots as you can from the event quest. Beed immune champs would be helpful against storm.
I turn uncollected with around 12 maxed 4* and 1 r4 5* unduped vision og. I had max 4* medusa, colossus, shehulk, luke cage, warlock, omega red, elsa, starlord, venom, magik, sym supreme, and aegon(rarely used). So pretty much i had 2 max good tier champ for each class. I'm not a good player though.