Trading (Hear me out)

This idea was made by me and a few friends on line and i thought is would be something cool to share with the community, even though it has already been brought up before I don't think this take on it or at least this exact opinion on it has been bought up so here it goes.
Overall I think it could be a fun aspect in the game to have a limited from or trading in game, whether it be champions, items, or other things. The basic rules i would put down for this is items traded have to be the same rarity and type, so no tech 5* arena boost for a science 6* AG. I think that trading things with alliance members or friends with restrictions in place could be fun and helpful for everyone. say two alliance members both have 6* AG and one has tech and the other has skill, they both want what the other has so they choose to trade their AG and are able to both benefit from that situation.
Trading was not a feature in another game i used to play called Pokemon go, but the devs introduced it into that game with restrictions that prevented quick deals that could be made by people trying to make irl money foo of in game stuff, so the system there could maybe be implemented in game here of some sort. In tat game it tracks how long you have been friends with each person, ad there is a way to increase a friendship level which in game could be doing incursions with them, or some minor form of trading available to everyone near the start that does not matter much, or get points doing alliance war and Alliance quest.
With regards to which items we would be allowed to trade and even possibly champions, there could be a sort of system of tiers kind of like the incursions or previously known as dungeons rewards to unlock better crystals in the dungeons store. To trade a 6 start champion with someone you have to have (X) amount of 6 stars already, and have been friends or alliance mates for this amount of time. to trade a 3 star champion you would need to have (x) amount of 3 star champions and have been friends or alliance mates for (x) amount of time.
The same restrictions would be with champions but could be tweaked. the champions have to be the same rank and star level. And they have to both be either duped or unduped. Also There could be multiple forms of trading, and each trade could have specifications, so one alliance member could loan a champion to another member for (x) amount of days in exchange for one of theirs, as a sort of timed trade so one alliance member can help the other progress. This feature could help content creators try out new character if one of their own friends happens to get one, and everyone could try out characters to see who they like and want to get in the future.
Trading in the other game i talked about is not free, and the resource they use does not exactly translate to a resource in game we use , but i think a somewhat significant gold cost scaling depending on the trade could help balance out the trade, so it also gives people a use for some of their extra gold, since some end-game players are just in tens or hundreds of millions of gold that they have almost no use for. The actual amount could be determined by just seeing average gold amounts with different player levels and what stuff they would be trading. Units could also be a small cost so that people are encouraged to use the arena, or to benefit Kabam and the upkeep of its servers units possibly bought as a micro-transaction. The amounts of gold could be a pretty high cost since we know that this feature would greatly help everyone's progression by a lot.
There also could be some sort of limit to how many trades you have made in a certain time space with a cooldown, with the lending idea where one champion is given for a small amount of time to use, this would discourage a large abuse of trading and make everything more in moderation so the game would not be crazy. (this would only be for champions because items get used, also champions being given for an amount of time. would not be able to be sold.) For the lending trades there would be a max amount of champions you are lending at a time, possibly just one.
I know there would be immediate concerns on seeing the word trading such as the possible exploitation of the different aspects which i think i somewhat addressed. I also think this idea could be completely revised because I'm not perfect so if i there is flaws in my reasoning feel free to point it out because everyone makes mistakes and i am open to constructive criticism.
i do not know which idea would be more likely to make it into he game, the permanent trading, or the lend trading or both. Anyways if you make it this far thanks for reading, and hopefully you give me a comment making some suggestions, and approval or denial
Overall I think it could be a fun aspect in the game to have a limited from or trading in game, whether it be champions, items, or other things. The basic rules i would put down for this is items traded have to be the same rarity and type, so no tech 5* arena boost for a science 6* AG. I think that trading things with alliance members or friends with restrictions in place could be fun and helpful for everyone. say two alliance members both have 6* AG and one has tech and the other has skill, they both want what the other has so they choose to trade their AG and are able to both benefit from that situation.
Trading was not a feature in another game i used to play called Pokemon go, but the devs introduced it into that game with restrictions that prevented quick deals that could be made by people trying to make irl money foo of in game stuff, so the system there could maybe be implemented in game here of some sort. In tat game it tracks how long you have been friends with each person, ad there is a way to increase a friendship level which in game could be doing incursions with them, or some minor form of trading available to everyone near the start that does not matter much, or get points doing alliance war and Alliance quest.
With regards to which items we would be allowed to trade and even possibly champions, there could be a sort of system of tiers kind of like the incursions or previously known as dungeons rewards to unlock better crystals in the dungeons store. To trade a 6 start champion with someone you have to have (X) amount of 6 stars already, and have been friends or alliance mates for this amount of time. to trade a 3 star champion you would need to have (x) amount of 3 star champions and have been friends or alliance mates for (x) amount of time.
The same restrictions would be with champions but could be tweaked. the champions have to be the same rank and star level. And they have to both be either duped or unduped. Also There could be multiple forms of trading, and each trade could have specifications, so one alliance member could loan a champion to another member for (x) amount of days in exchange for one of theirs, as a sort of timed trade so one alliance member can help the other progress. This feature could help content creators try out new character if one of their own friends happens to get one, and everyone could try out characters to see who they like and want to get in the future.
Trading in the other game i talked about is not free, and the resource they use does not exactly translate to a resource in game we use , but i think a somewhat significant gold cost scaling depending on the trade could help balance out the trade, so it also gives people a use for some of their extra gold, since some end-game players are just in tens or hundreds of millions of gold that they have almost no use for. The actual amount could be determined by just seeing average gold amounts with different player levels and what stuff they would be trading. Units could also be a small cost so that people are encouraged to use the arena, or to benefit Kabam and the upkeep of its servers units possibly bought as a micro-transaction. The amounts of gold could be a pretty high cost since we know that this feature would greatly help everyone's progression by a lot.
There also could be some sort of limit to how many trades you have made in a certain time space with a cooldown, with the lending idea where one champion is given for a small amount of time to use, this would discourage a large abuse of trading and make everything more in moderation so the game would not be crazy. (this would only be for champions because items get used, also champions being given for an amount of time. would not be able to be sold.) For the lending trades there would be a max amount of champions you are lending at a time, possibly just one.
I know there would be immediate concerns on seeing the word trading such as the possible exploitation of the different aspects which i think i somewhat addressed. I also think this idea could be completely revised because I'm not perfect so if i there is flaws in my reasoning feel free to point it out because everyone makes mistakes and i am open to constructive criticism.
i do not know which idea would be more likely to make it into he game, the permanent trading, or the lend trading or both. Anyways if you make it this far thanks for reading, and hopefully you give me a comment making some suggestions, and approval or denial

Simply allowing trade will hurt their income.
People might keep on creating new accounts and trade with themselves.
Most of the features the game have are built around increasing/sustaining player pool and enticing people to spend money. While trying to make it not perceived as a "pay to win" game.
Maybe you can trade catalysts, but not champs.
Because now you can purchase a catalyst selector which is a guaranteed thing. Champs are still random and not guaranteed.