New incursions crystals are pretty good

VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
So some people are already complaining about the new incursions crystals. Lets look at all of them:
(* marks the ones I consider to be the best ones if the text isn't clear enough)
1. Ant man - useful for synergies in act 6
2. Crossbones - hits decently hard, cant crit
3. Cull - hits very hard, even better after his buff earlier this year(*)
4. Gamora - Hits hard, needs some buildup each fight
5. Guillotine - Good partner in incursions for Morningstar
6. Morningstar - Amazing for incursions*
7. omega - One of the top champs in the game*
8. Sentinel - Great, especially if you havn't explored V3*
9. Thor R - Good synergie with Hulk but not much else
10. Yellowjacket - Probably the only really bad one in this

So about 3-4 great pulls in that one with some nice consolation prices if you miss

1. BP - Good synergie with HB
2. Invisible Woman - quite useful for the F4 synergie if you have the other ones
3. longshot - Pretty amazing champ*
4. Massacre - Imprtant for flaming trinity
5. Mephisto - not terrible, has some synergies and some useful immunities
6. Nova - not the worst I guess
7. Red Hulk - Great champ, even better with domino/massacre trinity*
8. Sparky - Great damage with short ramp up in the fight*
9. Storm - has some new synergies that could be good
10. X-23 - Regen and new Prof X synergie

Again 3 really good champs and some acceptable ones

1. BW - Overshadowed by better AAR champs
2. Cable - New synergie needs some testing first
3. Cap marvel - not very good
4. Cyclops - Not very good
5. GR - good for Blade and fights where chip damage is the only problem
6. Green Goblin - Underwhelming
7. Gwenpool - Overshadowed by many better champs
8. Mr. Fantastic - Great for nerfing the specials of an annoying boss and good for diss track*
9. Spider Gwen - Great damage, power control and evade that doesnt prevent parry*
10. Yondu - Class advantage against Magneto I guess

Yeah that one isnt that good you should probably get another one

1. Hulkbuster - Great damage and regen*
2. Iceman - Immunities and evade counter
3. Joe - Kabam should just forget about him like everyone else
4. Killmonger - Good damage, indestructible and synergies(*)
5. Modok - Not really good
6. Magik - Power control and good damage against buff heavy champs, regen
7. Poenix - Good new prof X synergy*
8. Red Skull - He really deserved better but still: Havoc counter
9. Rogue - Regen and power control, short debuffs
10. Sym Spidey - long armor break for mysterio

Not as good as the first two but still some good stuff with 2-3 really useful ones

1. Emma Frost - Great for immunities, new synergy makes her a bit stronger but isn't a must have*
2. Hela - if you still need a Heimdall synergie partner for caustic temper, shes one
3. Human Torch - ... trash*
4. Patriot - Amazing regen strong enough to break the game (or at least his armor)
5. Juggs - Boring
6. King Groot - seemingly and option for map 7 if I'm still up to date(*)
7. Loki - Good for the right matchup but thats rare
8. Nick - He's not aegon so...*
9. Sabre - get your hand on sasquatch and you have and abyss ticket right here*
10. SL - not as impressive as he used to be

While not everyone slaps, those that do, do it hard

1. Carnage - Some good damage and bleeds
2. Daradavil - High Block proficiency good crit rate
3. Darkhawk - Good damage, some immunities, regen and synergies*
4. Doc Ock - Often overlooked but very solid*
5. Maw - fun to play I guess. Have fun countering aarkus
6. Havok - High tier mutant*
7. Quake - Litteraly useless. Hits for pityful damage no utility at all****
8. Surfer - Seatin seem to like him well enough
9. Taskmaster - not really good
10. Thor (Jane) - haven't heard much good but she is useful for grandmaster if you struggle there

Some good some bad. My condolences for those who had the misfortune to pull Quake.

(**** means I'm 100% serious)


  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Also correction: Cap marvel should be the new one so genesis is a bit better than I jugded
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Voltolos said:

    Also correction: Cap marvel should be the new one so genesis is a bit better than I jugded

    Yeah, it is.
  • Thebombsquad1Thebombsquad1 Member Posts: 755 ★★★
    You make it sound like Loki and female Thor are better pulls than taskmaster and surfer
  • slayer6slayer6 Member Posts: 377 ★★
    You got rocks in ya head these are worst incursion crystals up til now absolute trash
  • HelluvaPullHelluvaPull Member Posts: 83
    Oh yeah, quake is definitely a garbage champion.

    Are you outside of your goddam mind? Quake is garbage? Nice joke dude
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Don't know, I think these crystals are pure garbage with alot of useless and old characters. I tried the War Crystal in an attempt to get Torch or Fury. Got Juggernaut for the zillion time. It's an obsession...
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,214 ★★★★★
    Magik should be highlighted. She's still relevant even in high tier wars. I'll get the Quake one though because I already have Magik.
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,967 ★★★★★
    Lmao said:

    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.

    he’s trolling my guy
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 898 ★★★

    Lmao said:

    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.

    he’s trolling my guy
    Arsoz said:

    Lmao said:

    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.

    Is he trolling? I can't tell. He sounds pretty serious when talking about daredevil being good.
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Lmao said:

    Lmao said:

    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.

    he’s trolling my guy
    Arsoz said:

    Lmao said:

    This is an absolute joke. OP is so bad at this game that he thinks quake is a useless champion. LMFAO. And OP, you can give me all the disagrees in the world, I don't care. you're still wrong. Disagree away, newbie.

    Is he trolling? I can't tell. He sounds pretty serious when talking about daredevil being good.
    I made the same joke three times with the top champs in those crystals. I am clearly not really saying that torch, nick and quake are bad since they're all marked as good. Quake even four whole times
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