Is anyone else

MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
Experiencing a bug against Mordo? Myself and my alliance have had all of their fights against Mordo in every area of the battle realm run in slow motion or freeze framing during the fight. Mike please go on over to the bug area and take a look.


  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Experiencing a bug against Mordo? Myself and my alliance have had all of their fights against Mordo in every area of the battle realm run in slow motion or freeze framing during the fight. Mike please go on over to the bug area and take a look.

    I didn't know Mikes boss was here. Hey man lay off Mike it's almost 8pm over there. Why can't you just let him go home so he can spend time with his family. Some boss you are.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Plant or kiss ***? Just asked him to look into it. It's called a J-O-B. How many other people do you see ask mike with a please?? Most are a lot more hateful.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Experiencing a bug against Mordo? Myself and my alliance have had all of their fights against Mordo in every area of the battle realm run in slow motion or freeze framing during the fight. Mike please go on over to the bug area and take a look.

    I didn't know Mikes boss was here. Hey man lay off Mike it's almost 8pm over there. Why can't you just let him go home so he can spend time with his family. Some boss you are.


    A) You are not mike nor did you bring anything constructive to the conversation nor did you address whether it was affecting you or not. Blatant trolling I guess.

    B) This is an issue that affects overall gameplay as I'm sure like me others are doing 5.3 100% for completion which involves fights with Mordo. Aq mini boss is Mordo. In aw many summoners bring Mordo into defense. Finally, I'm sure many have lost fights or possibly streaks due to a bugged fight with Mordo it is a pressing issue.

    So in summation if you are not bringing something constructive to the conversation, are not a mod, are having no issues, or just love trolling then see your way out of the thread. I was looking to see if it was a widespread issue and addressing mike to see if the game team could look into it before all of the mass hysteria threads start going up.

  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    First, there won't be mass hysteria. A simple search of "Slow Motion" would reveal that this has been mentioned before. Even with different champs.

    Second, you didn't ask him to look into it. You neglected to add "could you" or "will you" before "please go". You politely told him what to do.

    Third, I was just having some fun. If you didn't like it, I'm sorry. I was only trying to lighten up the forum a little. 10 times a day there are new threads on rank down tickets and bugs that everyone has experienced for weeks or months.
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