Mastery recovery

I haven’t seen anything posted about mastery recovery since 2018, and nothing has changed yet. Can we please make it so we have the option to recover 1 mastery instead of all of them? It’s very tedious having to write down or remember how everything was set up if we want to lower 1 of them to have a point to use somewhere else. For example, I want to lower my dexterity from 3 to 2 so I can add a point to liquid courage.


  • KillionKillion Member Posts: 2
    To me personally there are a few things that could be done with the masteries like the cost to reconfigure your masteries after you have already unlocked them for a person that reconfigures his masteries once a day for war, alliance quest ,or just for questing the bill is about 50 units and some gold depending on the masteries you unlocked to beging with so why is it costing us to reconfigure our masteries to help us get around certain gameplay i mean we already spent to unlock them why spend again to reconfigure what we already unlocked at 50 units a day times 10 is 500 units if your a player that does this atleast once a day your loseing alot of units in a months time its like your paying for the masteries all over again and again, and with nodes that are in quest now it will make you change up your masteries especially if you do not have the hero needed for that path sounds like the middle class players are getting penalties for that
  • KillionKillion Member Posts: 2
    When i mean reconfigure i mean going up say like assassin mastery rank 1 rank 2 rank 3 and so on that is costly over a period of time
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    The same thing I've been asking for months but Kabam ignores me as usual
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,833 ★★★★
    I requested for a profile switch option awhile back with no response @Kabam Miike
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