When u are going to fix the connection problem?

When u are going to fix the connection problems


    Good question!
    Answer is never!
    Madharchod kabam never reply on this matter!
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★★

    Few solutions. If using tons of ISO to level up champs, try using 1 or 2 ISO instead. take it easy on the servers, and most likely you won't see the bad connection.

    Same when assigning sig stones, try not to apply alot, but instead 1 by 1.

  • UnyonfaceUnyonface Member Posts: 658 ★★★


    Few solutions. If using tons of ISO to level up champs, try using 1 or 2 ISO instead. take it easy on the servers, and most likely you won't see the bad connection.

    Same when assigning sig stones, try not to apply alot, but instead 1 by 1.


    Not all is pertained to ranking. I just lost connection in AW right after I hit fight. Lost attack bonus plus @ 1/2 health now...
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