Magik signature level difference between 4 and 5 star

Magik 4* signature level 99 - 100% limbo
Magik 5* signature level 200 - 99,96% limbo
We all know, that this difference can be a problem in different cases.
It’s a bug?
Magik 5* signature level 200 - 99,96% limbo
We all know, that this difference can be a problem in different cases.
It’s a bug?
2)learn what a bug is .04 won’t make a difference in most of not all matches
Almost unnoticeable but I guess people rather disagree with basic math
100% it makes the value
1bar of power: 25*100%=50%
Vs 99.96
1bar of power:25%*99.96%= 49.99
4* - 100%
5* - 99,96%