6 Star Basics or 6 Star Featured?

LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
I really can't decide if I should start going for the Featureds or not, need help deciding...

There's my 6 Stars and High Ranked 5 Star Roster for anyone curious... Getting Sasquatch or Guardian or Gwenpool would be amazing, but obviously that not guaranteed and there's still some poor pulls in that Featured. But clearly I've had some Amazing Luck with the Basics so maybe I should stick with them...

I'll have 15k 6 Star Shards in about 3 Days, But that would also mean by the end of the month when we reach the end of the Summoner Appreciation Calender I'd have a bit over 22k 6 Star Shards. So I need to decide do I want 1 Featured or 2 Basics in the near future...

6 Star Basics or 6 Star Featured? 84 votes

Go For The Featureds
Sw0rdMasterxxKyojinxxPlinkoCharlie21540laxtheCowabunga 6 votes
Stick To The Basics
LeNoirFaineantMr_PlatypusRaganatorbuffajrYoMovesAinyLvernon1516wegnerkDragonMCOCGmonkeyThe42ndDoctorHammerbro_64BrokenHilldarSix_strings6Ackbar67JumpthesharkAdv10or_StrongLegendboy2411 78 votes


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  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    Stick To The Basics
    Open 100 basics then do whatever you want
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Only go for features if you’re seeking a particular dupe.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Seems like you got a lot of good champs, I would stick with Basic, cuz champs like Guardian and Sassy are very close to being in. Hitmonkey should be at the end of this month. Basics would be a good idea. Also nice omega man, great with that colossus

    6 Stars don't enter Basics like 5 and below do, it's after the new 6 Star Featured comes out that the old ones are then added to the Basic.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Only go for features if you’re seeking a particular dupe.

    What about the Champions thqt don't Require their Dupe like Sasquatch, Archangle sort of, She Hulk, and so on?
  • JestuhJestuh Member Posts: 274 ★★★
    Pick whichever has the lower chance of giving you Karnak.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★

    Only go for features if you’re seeking a particular dupe.

    What about the Champions thqt don't Require their Dupe like Sasquatch, Archangle sort of, She Hulk, and so on?
    Well if you REALLY want one, then go for it. But be ready for the disappointment of losing out on 1/2 a 6* when you don’t get what you’re looking for (which is most of the time).
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  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,716 ★★★★
    Stick To The Basics
    Feature 6* champion crystal is a 15k gamble for a great 6*.. if 6* shards were easy to come by, but if it takes you time to accumulate the 6* shards and your 6* roster is small.. its better to get the 10k 6* basic champion crystal; to open more 6* basic champion crystals.. who knows you could possibly pull an awesome champion out of it.. and you still have 5k 6* shards set aside, needing just 5k for your next 6* champion crystal.. instead of having to start from 0 shards.

    In the end, only you can decide what is good for your account, who you like playing with and who you want to rank up.. anyways, whatever you decide.. good luck and hopefully you get a great champion.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    Go For The Featureds
    Seeing that you will have 22k 6* shards soon. I would save till i get 25k & then open 1 feature & 1 basic.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Stick To The Basics
    I’d stick to basics, I opened 1 featured a while back and got winter soldier, now everytime I see myself on 5k 6* shards I think damn, I’d be opening another crystal right now if it wasn’t for that featured.
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  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Ypu picked vtd over corvus and cmm?

    Yes because I enjoy him more and he makes AQ a breeze, Corvus doesn't really seem to need the Rank Up as I mostly use him for True Strike and Cheesing fights like Electro but even then his Damage once Ramped up still gets stuff done at Rank 4, and Captain Marvel I didn't have 5 Star Nick Fury at the time (just pulled him and Rank 5ed him this month) and mainly ranked her up for the Variant 4 Electro.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Wtf?! How?! Even?!
    Out Of This Entire Basic Pool, And I Dupe Him Twice In A Row?!
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Man screw all y'all saying the Basic, I knew I should've gone for the Featured because even if I pull one of the Trash Champs they would eventually get Buffed, but still had the higher chance at getting a Monster like Sasquatch or Guardian than I would've getting something similar in the much larger Basics...
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    Stick To The Basics

    Man screw all y'all saying the Basic, I knew I should've gone for the Featured because even if I pull one of the Trash Champs they would eventually get Buffed, but still had the higher chance at getting a Monster like Sasquatch or Guardian than I would've getting something similar in the much larger Basics...

    Sounds like you’ve already been screwed, my friend.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    Bruh if it takes that long for getting 15k 6* shards for you then no. Its mostly for the guys with so many 6*s and who want lots of new champs

    Missed this one before, what do you mean "if it takes that long", that's all the 6 Star Shards available till next month...
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