6 Star Basics or 6 Star Featured?

I really can't decide if I should start going for the Featureds or not, need help deciding...

There's my 6 Stars and High Ranked 5 Star Roster for anyone curious... Getting Sasquatch or Guardian or Gwenpool would be amazing, but obviously that not guaranteed and there's still some poor pulls in that Featured. But clearly I've had some Amazing Luck with the Basics so maybe I should stick with them...
I'll have 15k 6 Star Shards in about 3 Days, But that would also mean by the end of the month when we reach the end of the Summoner Appreciation Calender I'd have a bit over 22k 6 Star Shards. So I need to decide do I want 1 Featured or 2 Basics in the near future...

There's my 6 Stars and High Ranked 5 Star Roster for anyone curious... Getting Sasquatch or Guardian or Gwenpool would be amazing, but obviously that not guaranteed and there's still some poor pulls in that Featured. But clearly I've had some Amazing Luck with the Basics so maybe I should stick with them...
I'll have 15k 6 Star Shards in about 3 Days, But that would also mean by the end of the month when we reach the end of the Summoner Appreciation Calender I'd have a bit over 22k 6 Star Shards. So I need to decide do I want 1 Featured or 2 Basics in the near future...
6 Star Basics or 6 Star Featured? 84 votes
In the end, only you can decide what is good for your account, who you like playing with and who you want to rank up.. anyways, whatever you decide.. good luck and hopefully you get a great champion.
Out Of This Entire Basic Pool, And I Dupe Him Twice In A Row?!