6* pulls that are great.... but

So I have plenty of pulls that have been pretty trash, got lucky with the Magneto rework, and pulled a Sunspot recently, but what are some pulls that you’ve gotten that are great champions but you almost wish you someone else? For instance, two of my latest pulls are Void and Cap IW. While these can be crazy good and useful and all that, they really need to be awakened and at least Cap needs to be at a very high sig to unlock most of his utility. So fun pulls but I’ll have to wait like a year or just get super lucky to actually make use of them. Also a rough time with a champion needs high sig as a free to play player who has amassed a total of 15 6* sig stones so far because that’s even further in the future after I awaken them. Anyways, not a rant, just curious who else has had some melancholy pulls lately. 

I dont run suicides so damage output is a bit of a shlog.
And the other is Nick Fury becuase obvious reasons
Cap IW still has perfect block, great damage, huge sp2, and unstoppable counter unawakened.
I just hate playing him.
I cant even complain about him because he's a good champ, and I was pretty lucky to get a good first 6*. But I hate him.
As for the question I have a 6* Omega that’s just waiting for his dupe.
He’s obviously amazing & the best Mutant in the game, but I’d much rather have gotten a top tech like Ghost or Warlock.
Pulled this guy and duped him within 3 months. Pretty happy so far....
Certainly not complaining since 6* dont come around often for me and 3 of the 5 are garbage, the fourth is ok even though I never use it but meh, I'm just not a NF fan.
Same story with my unduped Night Thrasher
I also have 6* Sunspot and Sorcerer Supreme, plus a 6* colossus duped that are kind of useless since I have the 5* of all of them maxed out