Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Game disconnecting

Network is fine, but game is disconnecting again and again. Anyone else facing this?


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    DoMPRoMoDoMPRoMo Posts: 6
    yes i am too
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    MhykkeMhykke Posts: 431 ★★★
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    OllyoxenfreeOllyoxenfree Posts: 251
    Always happens last 2 hours of arena.
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    Thebgj01Thebgj01 Posts: 269
    Same, keeps disconnecting. Disconnected while claiming a reward from an alliance event and disconnected while doing the story quest (act 2)
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    Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
    Yup, Kabaam did it again !
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    The_Savage_AncientThe_Savage_Ancient Posts: 134
    Man I thought it was back up, did one arena fight and got me disconnected again! Hey can someone from Kabam look into this please.
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    Coors_ltCoors_lt Posts: 28
    Yeah happening to me and is the current topic of my Ally's LINE chat
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    BigBlue807BigBlue807 Posts: 16
    I took an early lunch from work to do a last minute arena grind.. this issue is killing me
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    Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Posts: 238
    Lost my arena streak due to fights that never started then said "network issue, try again in a few minutes." Came back to loss
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    guardianbelikovguardianbelikov Posts: 56
    Yep, been having the same issue for about 15 minutes. I've gotten past loading screen a few times, but it disconnects shortly after.
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    SnizzJuiceSnizzJuice Posts: 10
    I just lost a 153 win streak to a double network error - no fights and i lost them both :(
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    vip662009vip662009 Posts: 32
    Same here I was about to hit final milestone for ds
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    Fighter168Fighter168 Posts: 11
    Disconnect after every fight and take extremely long time to connect. Typical Kabam --- every update no matter how big or small, will comes with lots of bugs.
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    Fighter168Fighter168 Posts: 11
    Even disconnect after claiming milestones rewards. This game is unplayable.
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,853 ★★★★★
    Anyone else got the "your account is logged in other device" pop up? Or was just me?
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    ralmadaralmada Posts: 191
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    CharlieThunderCharlieThunder Posts: 3
    Happening here all day. Makes it difficult to grind for those last few points in the arenas.
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    MEKA5MEKA5 Posts: 344 ★★
    Same here...
    now it seems ok
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    Joey0480Joey0480 Posts: 105
    Wonderful. Lost my streak as it reset
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    Negro5205Negro5205 Posts: 13
    Seem's it's happening a lot, BUT the WORST thing on this ISSUE, is when you win an arena match..., and disconects..., when it cames back..., the algorithm seems you LOSE..., BECAUSE "THE HOUSE WINS"..., come on....
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    Noob_2yrsNoob_2yrs Posts: 67
    Yes, every time I try to fight it gets disconnected :(
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    Thank you for the reports! We've sent this up for review. There's another thread open in the Bugs section regarding the issue. The thread is here:
    To keep the forums more organized, we'll go ahead and close this one down. Thank you again for not only the reports, but your patience while the team works to get everything back in order.
This discussion has been closed.