Map 6x5, Gold 1 Alliance LF 1-3


Handle your business in AQ Map 6, logging in regularly to clear your nodes. Want to play war, but don't want to burn all your Glory on pots and all your Loyalty on revives.


Alliance Prestige = 10232. Looking for recruits around 10k, or close.

AQ = Map 666x5, with a weekly score around 390 Million.

AW = solidly at the top of Gold 1. When we are in Tier 5 or above, we skip paths to save resources and make sure we get the boss down. When we are in Tier 6, we can generally cover the whole map and get the win.

Line app for communications. Experienced players with real lives. No jerks. Need 1 or 2 to replace some people taking a break from the game.

Interested? Hit me up in Line.



Alliance name: Hunters

Alliance tag: [Hunt¥]
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