Is there any storm pyramid X fans here?

Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
edited September 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Any of you have thoughts on storm pyramid X? Besides good damage etc. anyone using her in a steady rotation ?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • CowabungaCowabunga Member Posts: 78 ★★
    She’s definitely got her uses especially for masochism, tenacity, or debuff immune. I usually alternate between sp3 and sp2 because I like to see yellow numbers, but I think the best rotation is probably back to back sp3 for damage.
  • SavageSavage Member Posts: 621 ★★★
    edited September 2020
    I wish I had her. I need her to bump my Bishop's special damage numbers up by almost 30%. I think she's solid but looks like she's gonna need Apocalypse to really shine. Coldsnap, Shock, and Bleed immunity sounds amazing plus Professor X can increase her prowess duration and give her 72% poison resistance. Both her and Storm can potentially be the only quadruple debuff immune champs in the game, Storm can be resistant to incinerate as well though.
  • youaintrightyouaintright Member Posts: 187 ★★
    edited September 2020
    I took my 5* Storm (Pyramid X) to R4. Loving her even more with the Apocalypse synergy and especially as a Horseman of Apocalypse. I may have to take her to R5 after all.
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