Completed the following without revives or heals. I survived the hood lvl 3 because of this synergy. I used void for boss one shot because of this useful synergy. I used my sp 3 to finish hood and complete the quest. But I found the 3rd quest quite difficult. Plz tell what to do.
for the buffet quest rank up warlock, it is incredibly good with its passive heal block, and pair it with void. Stealthy can do really well too because he dish out a lot of damage and his fury/precision are passive. Don't use corvus, he's really bad for buffet, and ghost too can give problems, unless you play 1-hit only ^_^
I survived the hood lvl 3 because of this synergy. I used void for boss one shot because of this useful synergy.
I used my sp 3 to finish hood and complete the quest.
But I found the 3rd quest quite difficult.
Plz tell what to do.