Arena Streak

rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
So I have my own method of sustaining an Arena Streak (2-4* Champions):

Start with your weakest Champions and go up from there until the Difficulty changes to Medium; then if you have not already reached your maxed 2*s, switch to those and once you win 2/3, replace one of them with a stronger 3* THAT IS NOT MAXED; repeat until you have gotten either to using maxed 3*s or the Difficulty changes again, THEN go to your maxed 3*s if you aren't already there; if so then switch out 3*s for 4*s one at a time like you did with 2*s. Repeat, then resort to the following:

Assign a certain number of your top champions to this purpose: once you have gotten to the point mentioned above, replace one of your 3/4*s with THE WEAKEST of the assigned top champions, and continue using 2 3/4*s and one of your maxed champions, adding another of your Maxed champions whenever you make 2/3 matches in a round.

Note: if you are using champions of a single tier, eventually the difficulty will reset for a couple of rounds. Take careful note of this to extend your streak a couple of rounds.

I myself reached a measly 20-or-30-something round-streak, but until then my highest was about 9.

If you have any suggestions for me or find this useful, plz let me know.
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