Glory and the solo player

Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
I've been in an alliance for 3 years, was even a leader for a while. The nucleus of the alliance is still there, great bunch of guys to play with. For a while though it has felt like a chore to play alliance events, I've been more interested in monthly EQ and , specially, story quest. I've yet to finish Act 5, and now that I have the roster, the main reason is lack of time to have my strongest team. Most of the time my team would be on AW or AQ. This morning I quit the alliance, and don't plan to come back for a while, if at all.
One thing I'm going to miss is the glory from AQ, getting rank up materials(t5c and t2a mostly) is going to take even longer now. Kabam needs to come up with a way to give the solo players glory...


  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★

    Instead of giving up on AQ completely, why not look for a retirement Alliance that only runs low-level AQ? My Alliance focuses on AQ, runs Map4-5 every week; and that's enough to pull in around 3000 Glory/week. You may have been getting more before, but that's enough to make a difference.

    Joined a retirement alliance like a year ago. Best decision. Really the only "retired" aspect of the alliance is we all hate war and donations and we never speak with each other lol. We still run map 4-5 every week and hit all milestones in other events. Literally the only rule is if you decide to join alliances quests then you should move. So little pressure.

    Definitely recommend retirement alliances to anyone who feels overwhelmed or simply doesn't want to invest as much time into the game while still being able to get pretty decent rewards.
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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    There are plenty of lower tier alliances that provide you with glory. I myself have retired some time ago and am now in alliance that runs map 2 1 bg and I still get some glory. Ofc it's not fortune, but it is enough to feed the basic demand.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    Yeah I am lucky with my current alliance but the last one was a real chore. Kabam should let us something similar to incursions to get glory. Something like mini quests
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    If you dont want to do the part of the game that gives you those resources then you dont get those resources. We all have modes we hate, I cannot stand arena, I am not asking them to give me a constant stream of units, because not doing arena is a choice I made.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    No they don’t, glory is the aq currency, and it doesn’t need to be elsewhere
  • Elad17Elad17 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    I have 2 accounts. I run map 1 and pull in 1200 glory a week. Works for me as I never really run out. I have an above average roster and the recent side quests have been great for rank up material. I don’t worry about war or that stress stuff. Between both my accounts I complete all the map. Save 1 line Works well for me. I could always use one more person to finish that other line if anyone is interested
  • InfiniteAbe17InfiniteAbe17 Member Posts: 168
    Elad17 said:

    I have 2 accounts. I run map 1 and pull in 1200 glory a week. Works for me as I never really run out. I have an above average roster and the recent side quests have been great for rank up material. I don’t worry about war or that stress stuff. Between both my accounts I complete all the map. Save 1 line Works well for me. I could always use one more person to finish that other line if anyone is interested

    i have a barely used alt acct so if you want i could grow it enough to do a lane in map 1 with you for exploration in a little bit.
  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    any retirement alliance that runs aq 3 bgs of map 3 will get around 2k of glory thats enough to get you 1 t2a every week or 25% of t5b every week...speaking from personal experience....
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