Just to see who will have me.. highest offer wins.. i guess😅

Line sonloku
Hit me with aq maps how much mil weekly
And aw how many bg’s and place last season
Looking for aq focused but still like 2 bg’s war so i can join occasionaly map 5 im used too and also a bit map 6

Hit me with aq maps how much mil weekly
And aw how many bg’s and place last season
Looking for aq focused but still like 2 bg’s war so i can join occasionaly map 5 im used too and also a bit map 6

TWH8: 29m Ally ~ AQ focused: 5x5, 240m/wk ~ AW available, Silver 1 ~ Line required ~ Adults only ~ No drama ~ 800k rating or 8k prestige ~ Build your account and have fun playing again.
Line ID: Snoopysurfs
Map 4 & map 3
very chill....all about keeping it fun.
Cuz it’s a phone game!
The G.O.A.T.s are here looking for five map5/6 committed players to round out an already solid alliance. The leadership has been together for years and many are real life friends. The alliance is full of responsible adults and alliance matters are handled appropriately. We understand that this is a game and real life can get in the way; however we are also fully committed to growing together as an alliance to help everyone grow individually.
Here's what you can expect from us:
1. Map 5/5/5 or 6/5/5 full 3 BG completion
2. AQ Rewards are around 200 to 220 million with over 4K in glory per week
3. SA save weeks. Every other week we rank in the top 10 in SA points
4. Group Me for communication is mandatory
5. 2 BG optional wars. Solid silver 1, flirting with Gold 3 and want to get and stay there
6. We are all active and your efforts will be matched by the the other alliance members.
Here’s what we expect from you:
1. AQ line completion in map 5 and a desire to run map 6
2. Open communication especially during AQ
3. An interest in AW (not all of them, but some of them)
4. Honor the save weeks and grow as a member of our alliance
My in game ID is natehawk43 and our alliance tag is ddgt. Reach out and see if the G.O.A.T.s are a good fit for you!
Our alliance is AQ4/4/4 with little to no mods
We are currently gold 3 in War, but good potential to go higher. We do 3Bg during the war season and 1bg during the off season(to give people time to do quests and other stuff)
No line or other app required, mainly in game chats for communication
We ask to prioritize AQ, have the best possible defender diversity we can get and then lastly not to waste KOs when attacking for best attack bonus
Other than that play at your own pace, real life always comes first, and enjoy the game