-Spiderman is a good call, -Hype will get you through alot, ideally needs to be awakened. -Darkhawk was my first R5 double immune, has his uses, ideally needs max sig for the best results. -Wasp, some people adore her, definately has her uses and not one to sleep on, Hype or Spiderman are likely better though (my opinion, I know a guy in my alliance would disagree) -Venom, great spider killer, again, ideally needs the awakened ability
Where are you at with content? R3 I'm guessing low to mid Act 5?
stealthy for sure, i love my stealthy. when mine is ramped up with fury, precision, and vulnerability i can hit 6k+ crits unawakened, not to mention the utility he brings in terms of slow and enervate