Just pulled 5* Doctor Voodoo, helpful tips for noob appreciated

I'm gonna check out some tutorials about him on YouTube, but if someone has any essential helpful tips on how to handle him that might not be in those videos i would really appreciate it 🙂 Never really played him more than a few times before.


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,623 ★★★★★
    Throw your specials on even numbered hits only. I don’t know if it’s the “correct” way to play him, but I normally go for SP2 first, then spam SP1. I’m sure a certain someone will come on here now and blast me saying I’m an idiot, but whatever, that strategy works for me.

    He needs awakened, but not high sig. A great use of a Mystic gem if you have one, but not a generic one.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Really the most important thing right now is to dupe him. He doesn’t have a great deal of value until you do that.

    There’s many ways you can play him, best is to just read his abilities and understand exactly how each version of his specials (odd/even) work and then really you can tailor their use to the matchup.

    Duping is so important because the likelihood of his abilities triggering and the duration of the resulting buffs and bebuffs increases so much that you can effectively layer them up giving lots of control over matchups. Plus his regen becomes extremely strong.

    One example is vs mr sinister. First thing is use even combo sp2 to powerburn him on every subsequent hit. The powerburn damage bypasses his regen ability. Then drop even sp1 to poison him, shutting down his regen completely assuming enough loas. His sp1 would normally be able to throw the poison back onto you but because you are already powerburning every hit he can’t throw a special. You then just have to judge how many sp1 you can throw before you need to refresh the sp2 buff that gives the powerburn.

    He’s a really cool champ because there’s a lot of flexibility in how you can play him. He only needs one sig level to become great but I feel he’s worth 60-80, that kind of number to increase the duration of his buffs some more.

    He doesn’t hit too hard so to mind if you’re gonna invest and use him take him to r5 and he becomes a beast for AQ through map 6. I pretty much always get to the boss with him at full health, his regen is so big that you can afford to take some unavoidable damage, maybe a degen node being up or something as you know you can make the health up in the next fight if the regen doesn’t just cancel out DOT anyway in current match.

    He is also really good in incursions, not the best for super deep runs but for at least room 10 in the top levels.

  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    he ideally needs dupe to be safe/reliable, but he ain't bad unduped
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