I think self promoting like "Hey guys I just made a new channel come subscribe thanks!" is just a little off putting, especially when there's little to no content to actually watch on the channel already.
Self promoting in terms of "Look at this takedown of (insert champ) using (insert another champ)" is more acceptable.
Basically, self promotion when there's content that you're proud of putting out in a showcase is alright. Self promotion when there's nothing to watch, or just asking people to subscribe because you're just starting, is kind of.... well... lame.
Do content first, promote later. People will watch if you're entertaining/skilled, and are more likely to recommend based on those factors first.
Lol I post my quake stuff all the time, its not against TOS dw bout it
Thank you for the input...I understand that many summoners are kids so I won't go off on some of the asinine comments on here, but I do appreciate your comment! Thank you again😁
It isn’t, I’ve posted tons and they’ve never said anything about it. I guess the video theme could matter, mine is all gameplay, if you’re ranting they might take the post down, not certain tho
It isn’t, I’ve posted tons and they’ve never said anything about it. I guess the video theme could matter, mine is all gameplay, if you’re ranting they might take the post down, not certain tho
Thank you for the info... no it will mostly just be gameplay etc.
Just kidding it’s not against the tos don’t take me seriously
Self promoting in terms of "Look at this takedown of (insert champ) using (insert another champ)" is more acceptable.
Basically, self promotion when there's content that you're proud of putting out in a showcase is alright. Self promotion when there's nothing to watch, or just asking people to subscribe because you're just starting, is kind of.... well... lame.
Do content first, promote later. People will watch if you're entertaining/skilled, and are more likely to recommend based on those factors first.
Oh wait, we aren't playing the fill in the blanks?