Who Do I Bring Up?

I recently pulled a Sorcerer Supreme from my featured 5* and was wondering what I should do. Bring her up to rank 3 with the rest of mine and drop Voodoo who is unawakened, or keep her at rank 1 and just keep going on with my set up of Nick Fury 5* r3, Blade 4* maxed out and max sig, Voodoo 5* r3, Venom 5* r3 awakened, and Red Magneto 5* r2 most likely coming up to rank 3 soon. Thanks!
I was going to awaken Voodoo but my friend peer pressured me into awakening Supreme because he’s bias because he doesn’t like voodoo.
Nick is not awakened, I do really enjoy playing Supreme I was just making sure I was making the right decision of bringing her up.