v12.0 - Offense Nerf ; AW v2.0 - Defense Nerf

1. During 12.0 update the issued goodies & rank down tickets because they nerfed so called God-tier offensive champions & buffed up trash champions a bit. So kabam clearly knows what champions people prefer & which champions are absolutely useless & why they are so.
They changed those "specific" champions in that update n provided people with RDTs n stuffs to reshuffle their offensive roster, so they don't feel like their time n effort put on grinding/ ranking up or buying bundles for those champions got wasted.
They also provided stuffs during 12.0.1 even though they didn't tweak too much those champions.
They wanna say, they will issue RDT n stuffs like that, only when they changes the meta of any champion. But we didn't get any during that civil warrior, cyclops change few months back. People didn't care, bcz those changes doesn't make or break their strategies.
2. In AW v2.0 they wanna punish people for placing duplicate defenders. Because like in case of God-tier offensive champions, Kabam are also aware of the top 10 god tier defensive champions too. Consequently they want to nerf them in a different manner (not by individual abilities, but by taking away the proper nodes from AW or punishing for placing duplicates).
So what now? People who put their time n effort on grinding/ ranking up or buying bundles to build up a strong defense team, can't place them, it completely destabilizes their strategies & resources spent on those characters feels completely wasted, as they are of no good anywhere else except AWD.
If this ain't a change in the meta of the game then what is?
You don't wanna issue RDTs to allow people reshuffle their roster & reuse those resources they grind-ed for because it is not "changes" to the characters "directly". It's not fair. Even if we live with it, you guys atleast should send out free upgrade materials so that people can rank up **** champions quickly just for the sake of diversity.
There are simply 2 solutions atm - EITHER Isuue RDTs to reshuffle their roster, OR Give upgrade materials (T4BC & T4CCs, T2As n stuffs like that) as freebies.
at the end of the day it is strategy game, people should be awarded for proper long term planning, not get punished every 4-5months for their decisions taken because of changes in the meta of the game.
They changed those "specific" champions in that update n provided people with RDTs n stuffs to reshuffle their offensive roster, so they don't feel like their time n effort put on grinding/ ranking up or buying bundles for those champions got wasted.
They also provided stuffs during 12.0.1 even though they didn't tweak too much those champions.
They wanna say, they will issue RDT n stuffs like that, only when they changes the meta of any champion. But we didn't get any during that civil warrior, cyclops change few months back. People didn't care, bcz those changes doesn't make or break their strategies.
2. In AW v2.0 they wanna punish people for placing duplicate defenders. Because like in case of God-tier offensive champions, Kabam are also aware of the top 10 god tier defensive champions too. Consequently they want to nerf them in a different manner (not by individual abilities, but by taking away the proper nodes from AW or punishing for placing duplicates).
So what now? People who put their time n effort on grinding/ ranking up or buying bundles to build up a strong defense team, can't place them, it completely destabilizes their strategies & resources spent on those characters feels completely wasted, as they are of no good anywhere else except AWD.
If this ain't a change in the meta of the game then what is?
You don't wanna issue RDTs to allow people reshuffle their roster & reuse those resources they grind-ed for because it is not "changes" to the characters "directly". It's not fair. Even if we live with it, you guys atleast should send out free upgrade materials so that people can rank up **** champions quickly just for the sake of diversity.
There are simply 2 solutions atm - EITHER Isuue RDTs to reshuffle their roster, OR Give upgrade materials (T4BC & T4CCs, T2As n stuffs like that) as freebies.
at the end of the day it is strategy game, people should be awarded for proper long term planning, not get punished every 4-5months for their decisions taken because of changes in the meta of the game.
They went this route cause it was a loop hole way to mess with the champs with out giving RDTs. Very Low blow Kabam.... all for making money though huh?