VOD is needing guys. Map 5x5 Master modifiers. AW silver 1/Gold 3. Needing 4 or 5 active players

As the title says we run 5x5 with master modifiers in aq. We hit 250 million in aq weekly and always 100% all maps for the week. Line app is required. We do not focus on AW but always hit Silver 1 or Gold 3. Do not require item use in war. If you join war then we ask that you play smart and finish your line. At silver1 and gold3 that’s not hard to do. Summoner advancement is usually the 6% to 20% bracket(will include last weeks screenshots). Always hit rank rewards and last milestone in all alliance events. We are a very active and fun crew. A bunch of great guys and the the core of us have been together for a few years now. We welcome new members and hope you’ll enjoy the camaraderie we’ve built amongst each other. A lot of highly rated and mcoc knowledgeable guys willing to help or give advice when needed. Looking to add the new members when this aq round ends tomorrow. My line id and in-game name is TommyGunn86. Contact if interested and I’ll get back to you as soon as I see it.