Suggestion for a Buff in Incursions

With the addition of Sector 8, the attack values of champions in Incursions have been getting crazy high. I made it to Zone 9 today with a friend but we couldn't clear it. Admittedly we could have played better but, I saw that the attack values were close to 25k. With attack that high, block damage becomes a serious issue. Now, I'm not complaining about the valuse themselves, I think they are adequately high for the rewards. However, we thought of a way to make the 25k attack values more interactive.
My buff suggestions are a like this: (and I can't be the first one to suggests this but I justed wanted to add my few cents)
- An attribute boost like buff where just like increasing physical resistance by X or atrack rating by X%, there could be a regular buff inreasing block proficiency or perfect block chance. We would still rightfully get wrecked by the crazy attack but less so when we are blocking or parrying.
- A rare hack (from the end-of-zone nodes) that allows us to regen a tiny bit of health from blocked hits (like sorcerer supreme does).
- Or one that increases block proficiency for a short time like the one defensive attackers recieve from the siphon tactic in AW or similiar to stubborn attack tactic.
- If the attacker has a class advantage, their perfect block chance increases by X% (I'm not a big fan of this last one but something to do with class advantage/disadvantage could be really cool. There are only a few nodes that play with class adv/disadv.
Obviously, I can't suggest any numbers to these but I just wanted to get the broad idea out there. And these are just suggestions. Let's discuss!
My buff suggestions are a like this: (and I can't be the first one to suggests this but I justed wanted to add my few cents)
- An attribute boost like buff where just like increasing physical resistance by X or atrack rating by X%, there could be a regular buff inreasing block proficiency or perfect block chance. We would still rightfully get wrecked by the crazy attack but less so when we are blocking or parrying.
- A rare hack (from the end-of-zone nodes) that allows us to regen a tiny bit of health from blocked hits (like sorcerer supreme does).
- Or one that increases block proficiency for a short time like the one defensive attackers recieve from the siphon tactic in AW or similiar to stubborn attack tactic.
- If the attacker has a class advantage, their perfect block chance increases by X% (I'm not a big fan of this last one but something to do with class advantage/disadvantage could be really cool. There are only a few nodes that play with class adv/disadv.
Obviously, I can't suggest any numbers to these but I just wanted to get the broad idea out there. And these are just suggestions. Let's discuss!