CMM would probably smash through the entire chapter, disregarding the class attack decreases. I used my five star when I did that and I think she was only r3, which is about equivalent to a maxed four star. the only way to know if you're ready is to try the content and see what you struggle with. if fights are taking too long and you slip up eventually, you might have to switch up the teams around the classes. I'd try CMM or any high damage champ first, and if that doesn't work, explore other options. none of your classes seem to be severely lacking, so you would probably be okay if you had to do that
Are Dormammu or Man-Thing worth ranking up for mystic path?
If you do rank up a mystic, I'd probably do sym supreme because he's still pretty good in non bleed immune situations. I've heard dorm has good power control, but Ive never tested it.
I will use Doom for sure, just thought it would be much harder then that I am still new with Ghost, ranked her to r4 recently and spent a gem on her, I need one more tech t4cc to get her to r5 Does she need sig stones?
Yuppers, Guillotine's got solid damage too. I'd bring her in. G99 will super painful for the first fight, but can deal with the damage reduction afterwards. Stealthy's dps is super high, I use him for 50% attack reductions all the time. And I'd probably chuck Domino in on the last spot. Any crit bleeds will wreck the opponent even with the -50% attack.
I am still new with Ghost, ranked her to r4 recently and spent a gem on her, I need one more tech t4cc to get her to r5
Does she need sig stones?