Symbiote Supreme vs Sorcerer Supreme

PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,128 ★★★★★
edited October 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Who’s the more r5 worthy mystic? To me , it’s Sorcerer as Claire and Doom are already pretty solid at buff control.

Sorcerers is decent but she offers invaluable utility by being able to regen off block damage (great way to deal with pesky champs whose specials are hard to evade, for e.g Variant 5 first quest p99 or bishop with that horrendous block damage)

Not to mention she doesn’t rely on the defender to have buffs, which I believe renders Symbiote Supreme as a very niche champion. I’ve seen threads saying Sym didn’t get much play after 6.2 champ and 6.3 Medusa (feel free to correct me if you used Sym a lot for somewhere in act 6 or other content)

Anyway, who’s your pick?

Symbiote Supreme vs Sorcerer Supreme 120 votes

Symbiote Supreme
DNA3000Erza_ScarletDisbanded_pensTortoigTendersquadzuffyXxicylovexXPsychoakumaMaiicolDiazWillsy21Lvernon15Hammerbro_64BrokenReferenceManav_preet0808BulmktxandersrevengeUnidentifiedCreatureLmaoNel93 63 votes
Sorcerer Supreme
Bosoxg1rlRam_SarkarMutantRquando213nameplasЗАКСОЛИНImranAb_SamadRoOOtsDrDeadpoolKerneas10or_StrongVibranium_X23playinggameletJmurphColonaut123Eren_JaeghrKill_GreyabqberEtjama 57 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    I have both r4 and love both, but since Kali takes effectively 0 block damage, and isn’t made to be a high damage champion until ramped up, she can do without an additional rank more so than SymSup.

    He would benefit more because he is a high damage aggressive champ that you want to go hard with. The non-regenerating health and relatively high attack power are very important to have maximized.
  • pigupompompigupompom Member Posts: 110
    Symbiote Supreme
    depends which part of content u r in. Symbiote supreme make up a horseman in abyss if u don’t have doom.
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Sorcerer Supreme
    Only matchup in the game Sym supreme is better for us 6.3.1 Medusa, besides for they sorcerer supreme is so much better
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  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Sorcerer Supreme
    Sorcerer Supreme has more use than ss. I have both of them. Sorcerer for me top 3 mystic. She is very reliable.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Sorcerer Supreme
    sorcerer is more versatile and useful in the current meta
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,128 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    It’s like beardo vs void or OR vs Namor. One more versatile than the other, but the second absolutely shredding when they’re actually needed
  • JamesBond_007JamesBond_007 Member Posts: 130
    Sorcerer Supreme
    Sorcerer Supreme is very good, especially against those massive attack champs she can take block hits on her block and o my end up regenrating more.
  • SneakyWarriorSneakyWarrior Member Posts: 853 ★★★★
    edited September 2020
    Symbiote Supreme
    cant go wrong with either but kali has more utility overall with the regen on block etc. however, symb supreme does what he does best which is why i gave my vote for him. really really hard for me to choose between these two champs tho.

    Edit: also whenever i see a cosmic heavy path in any hard quest i tend to bring symb instead of kali simply because i find him more reliable in such fights.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    Sorcerer seems more complex and if you dont play her correctly she isn't good
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    If you already have doom and bwcv at r5, the girl might bring more to your roster. Otherwise symb is a lot better mystic champ. Personally I use mystic champs only for buff heavy much ups because of md, and he's just the best buff control champ.
    As for content released - I still haven't seen any solo aol with doom, but soloed aol aegon and vtd with symb myself.
    So the correct answer is it depends on your roster
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,128 ★★★★★
    Aleor said:

    If you already have doom and bwcv at r5, the girl might bring more to your roster. Otherwise symb is a lot better mystic champ. Personally I use mystic champs only for buff heavy much ups because of md, and he's just the best buff control champ.
    As for content released - I still haven't seen any solo aol with doom, but soloed aol aegon and vtd with symb myself.
    So the correct answer is it depends on your roster

    Yeah this was my main concern, as I have both claire and doom and they can already buff control well.

    And yeah sym is the best at it, or the safest option, but finding a situation where he works for it but the other two dont, would be even more niche than he already is
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  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,128 ★★★★★

    Soon to be my next r5
  • SneakyWarriorSneakyWarrior Member Posts: 853 ★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    GagoH said:

    Soon to be my next r5

    i took him to r5 last week. you wont regret it as hes still one hell of a champ. :)
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    I’m personally a huge fan of sym after he’s done so much for my account, helped out a ton in act 6 and abyss
  • CharlesThe69thCharlesThe69th Member Posts: 28
    Symbiote Supreme
    Sorcerer is more versatile, yes, and Sym requires buff-heavy matchups, but we all have other champs for matchups without buffs, so we don’t take Sym Supreme into those matchups. He can get insane armour break, power steal, and make hits do next to nothing with his weakness debuffs. His bleeds stack insanely high, which makes him a great candidate for Diss Track (just wait a bit), and his power control and nullify absolutely wrecks Hyperion matchups. Also, his awakened ability doesn’t do much, so if you get him 6*, he’s still basically at his best.
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