Which 5* should I focus on ranking up? Which champions should I focus on awakening?

gian_18gian_18 Member Posts: 22

Hey everyone! My 5* roster has grown a lot since my last discussion, and I’m pretty happy that I finally have some decent champions. I’m also happy with my new 6* darkhawk, though he is unawakened. While I know I am definitely going to be ranking up certain champions such as Domino, I am not sure where to go with the other champions, especially in the skill class. Should I level up my dark hawk and try to bring him up to rank 2 or wait for him to be awakened/wait for another 6*? Should I try to bring up Voodoo as well? And what do you think I should do with my skill champions as they are mostly sitting in the dust? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Esket1t_420Esket1t_420 Member Posts: 548 ★★★
    for awakening i would say luke cage and thing will benefit the most. they gain quite a bit more survivability when awakened. seeing that you only have 1 6* and not cavalier yet, that will be a very costly rank up. instead i would focus on getting sorcerer supreme ranked up asap just because the amount of utility she brings
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Level up that darkhawk.You can level up masacre for that sweet synergy with domino and also he is really fun to play.
  • manan_44manan_44 Member Posts: 654 ★★★
    I feel like you should rank up your sorcerer supreme to rank 4 because she is a great utility champ and has pretty good damage potential. Also taking mine to r4 very soon.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    If not masacre then go for sorc supreme.
  • gian_18gian_18 Member Posts: 22
    Hey everyone! Thanks for all of the advice. Most of you said that I should rank up sorcerer supreme because of her utility. I have played around with her a bit and I do agree she has her uses. I don’t have the resources to level up darkhawk at the moment, but I will definitely bring him up once I do have them. Masacre is also really fun to play with so I’ll see what I can do with him as well. I also see the practicality of awakening luke cage. I do wish I had good cosmic and tech 5* as I have awakening gems for both of those classes. In terms of quests, which champions do you think are best in finishing act 5 and becoming cavalier?
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