First R5 5*

Ultimate_RDJUltimate_RDJ Member Posts: 7
edited September 2020 in Strategy and Tips
So I started playing this game again after quitting in early 2018. I am still confused about a lot of champs abilities and their meta so I can't make up my mind. I'm uncollected and have done one run of Act 5 completion. Looking to push Cavalier. This will be my first and probably only R5 for a while as t5b is pretty hard for me to get.

First R5 5* 38 votes

Sig 20 Magik
HendrossIron_Patriot_is_litKAYDAQazzy 4 votes
Sig 20 Medusa
UnidentifiedCreatureStellanunoobmepro 3 votes
Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
RaganatorKnorr7227Crazyjack719Repto23Moosetiptronic10or_StrongCiciliatoDjinX_Factor_AgentKill_GreyEtjamaMiStaLovaEinfachSojonzerSarvanga1_Thicco_ModeOmedennDoctor_Strange19MaxLeeSuperiorSymbiote 29 votes
Unduped Killmonger
Sig 110 Hulk (Regular)
Don't R5 any of them
aroseinbloom39Thanton 2 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 840 ★★★
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    Tbh my first r5 was Medusa and i stand by it as she makes all the robots in 6.1 a joke but i went with BWCV as she has more utility and should handle Crossbones easily (just keep her in bleed phase)
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    Claire is one of the best options for am early rank 5. Easy to play, and provides loads of utility in one package!
  • JamesBond_007JamesBond_007 Member Posts: 130
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    Claire is a ticket to become Cavalier, Medusa even at rank 4 can easily do Ultron and Sentinel boss.

    I recently shared Claire vs 6.1.3 video.

    If you want to to see How to use Claire Act 6, I can tell you the name of that channel.

    Or if you want a full Claire Voyant guide I can ask my alliance member to make video on Claire Guide or You can watch Katy Candy 5 minutes or less video to know basics of Claire. But if you want deep dive of Claire I can ask him to make video.

    Plus Claire is cheat code for V3 and V5 as well. That means you can get soany rnak up gems as well.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    Claire then Medusa next.

    Join an alliance running map 4 with high prestige, who score at least 80m, if you want to Ease back in. Low stress, but enough glory to buy one t5b each month, plus some t2a on the side. Push for cav once you get your eye back in, definitely doable with Claire and Medusa.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    Even though I'm unlocking suicides soon, I was wondering how R2ing my 6* Claire would benefit me now. The answer is a lot. She's a beast.
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  • TrashPanda12TrashPanda12 Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Unduped Black Widow Clairvoyant
    I just ranked up my BWCV to r5 the last week. Good damage and great utility. Try to get suicides for her if you don't have them already. They really boost her damage output
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