Sorcerer doesn't need it. If you haven't explored V5 yet, Voodoo's a beast in ther and need the awakening. But Mojo also needs it. Just depends on which one you think you'll use more.
Is Mojo not working in Variant 5? He is also a mystic, at the end I went for him, he is fun to play and his synergies are good, with magneto red, also Voodoo is a bit outdated and his synergies are pretty bad, although he is a great champ
Havent looked to deep into mojos kit, but doesn’t voodoo have more utility? Power control, buff control, poison , AAR, regen. Maybe just the damage isn’t up to par as mojos is
No power control, but he has great degeneration and that can not be counter. Also regen and fury, so far pretty happy about him, also he is a great aw defender, and fun to play
some smart guy posted this
don't have him