Which 5* would you rank up?

DonkChipDonkChip Member Posts: 7
I suddenly have a lot of good options for 5* rank-ups, curious for thoughts. All of these options are either awakened or I have a gem ready for them if needed.

I'm Cavalier, have done 100% in Act 5. Not sure where I'm going next as far as content, but looking at 6.2, Variants, and potentially a Labyrinth run if I get around to it.

For context, I presently have three maxed R5 5* - Corvus, Nick Fury, and Quake. I also have several other good 5* champs at various lower ranks: Ghost, Medusa, Thing, Hulkbuster, Hulk Ragnarok, Doctor Voodoo, Spider-Man (Stark), Magneto (Red), Hyperion, Magik

Which 5* would you rank up? 16 votes

5* Aegon to R5
43% 7 votes
5* Black Widow (Claire Voyant) to R5
18% 3 votes
5* Colossus to R5
12% 2 votes
5* Captain Marvel (Movie) to R5
6% 1 vote
Wait on the R5 and rank up someone else (see others in description)
18% 3 votes


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    CMM is a beast. She hits like a tank, has tons of health, and gets insane numbers in binary. Plus, her synergy with quake and NF is amazing. If I were you, look to do some variants. Also try to complete Act 6, because before you know it Act 7 will be out and you will be able to r4 6*s.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Ægons awesome for 6.2 and Lab. And that Ghost you mentioned will cheese the living sh*t out of Act 6 and V3. Definetely rank her up.
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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Didn’t see her, but ghost is the best option
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Ghost with a skilled player can do everything, except for Hulkbuster and Air walker, because of their auto armor break.
    Since you already have nick, don't invest in another skill for now, go for Ghost

    Don't forget Nova, Terrax and Aarkus
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